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itf's Discussions

Bjork signed book - event in London

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mikhell Nov 29, 2024. 1 Reply ticket with a signed book and collect on the day. Continue

Tags: Bjork


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Jason H replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"Is her store in the UK cracking down on flippers? Years ago in the US, her store canceled my order for 2x signed fearless cds telling me about limits. I sent them a long email calling them every name I could think of and explained im not a flipper…"
26 minutes ago
lucas replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"the market is full:) and maybe she sign  a lot of these things  and maybe some people didnt know this signed  option  the site says 4 per customer but its 2 per customer in real."
1 hour ago
Rob replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"This is STILL available....... Bizarre and I'm Bummed as still no US version...... Taylor is going to be signing for years....and years.....and years or more like an"
1 hour ago
Jason H replied to itf's discussion Roger Waters - 400 only £220
"Just saw your reply now I picked up a 2nd one of these on the restock. This one is also signed in silver!.. I thought I'd post it here as well to show everyone both versions. Since I know many will want to leave theres sealed"
itf replied to Landon Miller's discussion Upcoming releases and pre-orders to watch
"I wouldn't have known it was happening either and got lucky, cheers."
itf replied to Rob's discussion Miley Cyrus - Signed CD and Signed Vinyl
"That went quick didn’t it? Got a CD from the UK store. "
Thomas Green replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"I'm with you... I have also missed every single time."
Shane Lance replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"I have missed every single Taylor Swift signed release. I have been able to order this many times but I'm in the US. Breaks my heart. I just want one. "
Fanneilyoung replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"As you say, scarcity comes into play here. My daughter is aware that there are huge numbers of these around, so she's not really bothered about having something that everyone else will have. It's hardly "special" for her in those…"
Jason H replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"She has released at MUCH higher numbers in the past.. 35k, if accurate is about 1/3rd of what we know she's capable of. Still a crazy amount I agree and unheard of for anyone else. I think this release has a mix of problems. Its not signed on…"
Lester Freeman replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"I just don’t understand if you are a fan of any artist and you buy a genuine signed item at a very good price why you would return it when you find out there’s thousands and thousands of them.. she’s signing them with her usual…"
Fanneilyoung replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"No, I bought just one for my daughter as a special present - but it's hardly "special" if there's mutliple tens of thousands around. I don't remember there being quite so many in circulation for prior items - this is…"
Lester Freeman replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"So you are basically admitting you didn’t buy turn for yourself and because there are so many you can’t flip them .. lol that’s funny .. and on Twitter it said on Saturday 18,000 left in stock ! Last year she signed a similar…"
Allginger replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"I have cancelled mine too"
Fanneilyoung replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"I've cancelled my purchase and got the refund already. There's going to be multiple tens of thousand of these floating around at this rate (did I see a post a while ago saying there were 35,000 still in stock?) - she'll get RSI…"
Dhany replied to itf's discussion Taylor Swift - Tortured Poets Department (UK) restock
"This is highly unusual....Still up"

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At 4:16am on February 19, 2023, Ombeline said…


I saw your comment about the Depeche Mode bundle with the signed print. As a true fan, i sadly missed it. I would like to know if it’s possible to trade or sell your copy? I can offer you other autographs (mostly actors like keira knightley, daniel radcliffe, ashley greene, jacky chan…..) or provide you an other Depeche Mode signed card i have twice (with signature of the 3rd member Andy Fletcher, who recently died). Thank you very much for your help and have a nice day!


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