I believe many autographs this guy sells as he has been a dealer in the area for years. He claims to have met Brady at training camp and got these three items signed at once. Now I think they look consistent with each other, and I feel good and bad about that. I'm not used to seeing the top of the t curl so much, and the signature on the football looks larger than many other Brady autographs. I'd love to hear some other people's thoughts on these pieces.

Tags: Brady, PATRIOTS, Tom

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Buy the autograph, not the story/seller's rep. 

My rule of thumb, if I have any gripes about a signature before I purchase it, I will continue to have those concerns after I purchase it.  Find a signature you feel confident in and you'll enjoy the experience much more.

I am by no means a Tom Brady expert, but I've seen my fair share- I've never seen the T loop like that in the examples I've come across.

I haven't either. There's one more recent on the psa website that does a little bit but not quite to that extent. I also can't find hardly any examples of him signing a ball with such a large signature

Here is an authentic IP Tom Brady Autograph.


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