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Alright folks these are much better forgeries than we are used to seeing and can easily fool you. However, I have seen this specific Mantle before and it is no doubt a forgery, and a VERY good one at that. So be on the lookout for this. Here is an example listed by eBay seller 28st 

I am not going to point out exactly what is wrong with the Mantle, but it is OFF horribly in a couple aspects. The DiMaggio is more obvious than the Mantle.


The "DiMaggio" is way off and not very convincing, especially when you look closely and see how slow the "gg"s are signed. Be careful folks, I have seen 2-3 of these now and they are very convincing even to advanced collectors. 

Tags: 28st, dimaggio, mantle

Views: 264

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Here is this same forger's Mantle, they have gotten slightly better, but same mistakes:

Looks like he has sold a few fake Muhammad Ali's as well

Good post Ryan! It looks like Joe D is doing his Jim Carrey impression from The Mask

not the first time this seller has been brought up on here....


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