Tags: Dogg, Dr, Snoop, dre

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You do understand that when you do a chargeback that up to your last 20 transactions may also record a chargeback that someone has to fight on the other end? other vendors might be getting screwed without you even knowing or small buyers on amazon or ebay or mercari, etsy, etc. Possession is 9/10th of the law? that's a joke and means absolutely nothing. The people having trouble I would say yes, you may want to start the process, but it's only been a couple of weeks with multiple non-business days involved so really only a few days since people started to receive the albums. 

plenty of us had easy returns, don't know why others are being dragged out or what exactly is being said in the emails. the more chargebacks you file, the more likely you will get banned from buying on these sites and very possible your banks may close your accounts. all of this costs them time and money.

company I work for just ate a huge chunk of chargebacks because of lack of replies from the customers and our own internal measures as well as some of these delivery companies own pictures not being good proof of deliveries to some banks. It's unreal. I think a lot of ours with work are scammers though, and they are getting away with it.

I ain’t saying abuse it. I’m saying if you have a legitimate dispute then you have a right to dispute it if the seller broke the law and aren’t being cooperative. I’ve only ever used them on actual fakes. I haven’t had a ton. More often than not they refund without requiring a return like Elton. Why would I care about being banned by a vendor who screwed me. I’m avoiding Interscope like the plague after this and Amazon Visa have my back and know I’ve only done this when it’s real.

Tried being polite at first, asking for a return label, specifying it was unopened. They gave me the boilerplate "we'll look into this for you," response. So I wrote back, "Look -- either give me the return label or I'll dispute with my credit card and use this email as evidence that I asked for a return in good faith and you gave me the rigmarole." A return label was sent within the hour.


I got this from a book signing in Barnes and Noble at The Grove in LA.

These were pre signed for the November 27th, 2018 Barnes and Noble at The Grove in L.A. Looks very similar to the recent album we are currently discussing. Obviously not real. If everyone fighting for a return here would file with the California Attorney General someone will be held accountable, otherwise it will continue. 

So how long has a ghost signer been doing this and who is it?

He should do another book and just flip the title back. -  "From Cook to Crook" 

I wonder if we can file one big class action lawsuit against these record labels. I have all the many confirmation emails from each and every single fake I’ve bought from them.

Hi OT, 

I believe it is very possible a class action lawsuit can be filed against a record company. But, I think these types of lawsuits are over artist loyalty disputes, master recording ownership and things of that nature. For what our group is going through is more  consumer complaint related. So, if you do not mind, please see the link below provided previously from Prince Shawn and hit them with the law!

link to file a Consumer Complaint with the California Attorney General


You need actually proof that they are fake for any lawsuit to suceed. So far apart from one authenticator saying that it might not pass it has all been "vibes".

It's obvious they are fake. The Attorney General has the experts available that will do the work if enough people file.


That’s not how it works.


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