Markus Brandes




Profile Information:

What kind of member are you? (Check as many as apply.)
Collector, Professional Authenticator, Dealer
What would you like to tell us about yourself, your collecting, or business.
After collecting for over 10-years Markus Brandes decided to turn into business on 19.06.1996. Brandes has an educational backround in software development and Internet applications. The educational backround is showcase on his award winning web site
In 1996 Brandes become a full-time dealer and decided to go after the International maerketplace by specialising in motorsport, Vintage Hollywood and Science autographs. He has getting several times the German autograph dealer of the year award and regulary publish reference articles about secretaries and how to protect against autograph forgeries.

He is registered UACC lifetime dealer # 148 and member of the IADA, Manuscript Society and AdA.

He has been elected several times as expert in front of the law.

In 2006 he become the first UACC regional director for Europe.

Further refences, media articles and hunting reports could be viewed here.
What is your level of expertise?
Advanced Collector, Professional
Why do you want to join Autograph Live?
Autograph Magazine
Who can we thank for telling you about us?
`Steve Crycin
What are your areas of interest?
Sports, History/Politics, Books/Literature, Modern Hollywood and Stage, Classic Hollywood and Stage, Music, Space/Aviation/Military
Why do you collect?
Autographs give me the joy and love to keep history alive and are a great investment not only for myself but also the next generation of history lovers.
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
The autograph archieve of Dr. Albert Schweitzer with more than 250 letters and 120 signed photographs. Also Peace as well as Count Zeppelin , Muhammad Ali are particular topics besite Oscar Winners, History and PRE-WAR motorsport autographs
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
Nelson Mandela

Comment Wall:

  • john reznikoff

    this could be an excellent site.....hope you get people to join
  • Priyabrat Biswal

    Hello Sir,
    I am an autographed-photograph collector from Orissa, INDIA. I want to make friendship with you. I shall be more than happy, if you could extend your hand of friendship to me.
    With best regards,
  • Priyabrat Biswal

    Thank you very much for your kind reply. I will be in touch with you.
    My personal e-mail ID is:
    Have you ever visited my country, INDIA which is known worldwide for its rich cultural heritage?
    With best regards,
  • Priyabrat Biswal

    Respected Sir,
    Glad to hear that you will be visiting my country next year.
    If you have any plan to visit my state, Orissa (famous for the Sun Temple of Konark and other beautiful temples), then I will be honoured to get a chance to be your host. I live in my state capital, Bhubaneswar, which is some 50 KMs from Konark and Puri.
    With best regards,
    Priyabrat Biswal
  • Brandon Mysinger


    Thanks for the heads up!! No offense or mis-understanding is taken at all! I am very much aware of the situation regarding ebay Germany and your site. I helped on many occasions to try to give you ammunition regarding the rules and laws that your were facing in Germany.

    It is VERY smart for you to pull your core team together, just as Steve is doing here in the USA. We all remain under the same umbrella of fighting forgeries in the market. I'm sure that you will continue to have great success and you know I will ALWAYS be on hand to offer any support that needs.

    We made a LOT of progress over the last few years with ebay and the fight against forgeries. However, the fighting is only begining. I have no doubt that we will work together again.

    All the best my friend!!
  • Markus Brandes

    Dear Brandon. Thank you very much for understanding. It was a difficult decision but our goal is education and you are one of our knowledge friends who's support had been always much appreciated.

    Thank you very much and I am sure we will work together again in future and related cases.

    kind regards
  • B Garrett Meadows

    Is there any record of who the FIRST person was to autograph a photo of him/herself for an admirer or fan? I know there are autographed photos Lincoln. But does anyone pre-date Lincoln signing photos of him/herself?
  • Markus Brandes

    Dear Garrett. Authentic autographed Lincoln photographs are exceptional rare and in the past years only a few fine examples appeared on the marketplace. You should maybe ask Andreas Wiemer if he has a record of the first known Lincoln photographs as he has a excellent knowledge in this field. kind regards Markus