
Houma, LA

United States

Profile Information:

What kind of member are you? (Check as many as apply.)
What would you like to tell us about yourself, your collecting, or business.
Celebrities, Vintage entertainment, Muppet Performers
What is your level of expertise?
Intermediate Collector
Why do you want to join Autograph Live?
To learn more about my hobby
Who can we thank for telling you about us?
What are your areas of interest?
Classic Hollywood and Stage
Why do you collect?
Celebrities, more vintage than modern
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
Freddie Mercury, Cass Elliot, Jim Henson, Truman Capote, Jack Benny, Bing Crosby
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
Jim Henson & Jack Benny
What is today's date?
November 17, 2022

Comment Wall:

  • Pete Bendu

    This lines up better with the Thru The Mail style responses sent to his fanmail service.

    The supposed secretary or family member did a very good job of replicating his signature style, but they just don't match in-person samples.

  • rob kunne

    some people think they know it all and think they are very important. best is to know and contact serious collectors who know their stuff... i like racc facebook and there are some really good collectors and with knowledge of autographs of certain celebritys. but to be honnest ''al pacino'' is hard to authenticate but the one you posted is from the 70-80's era and certainly not a forgerie. will stop now because newyear is on in the netherlands and hope things will be better this time ''best from rob kunne''.