Dustin White


Portage, IN

United States

Profile Information:

What kind of member are you? (Check as many as apply.)
What would you like to tell us about yourself, your collecting, or business.
I collect NASCAR autographs mainly, as well as NBA at 50 players, KISS rock group members, celebrities, and other people who catch my attention!
What is your level of expertise?
Advanced Collector, Long Time Lover
What are your areas of interest?
Sports, Books/Literature, Music
Why do you collect?
For the love of it, and the chase.... always the chase.
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
My partially signed NBA at 50 Lithograph!
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
I can't narrow it down to one.

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  • Karen Baca

    Hey Dustin, thanks! I met Will at a Tom Cruise premiere as Will is friends with Tom. Both guys were really nice especially Will whose body guards were trying to move him on. Will actually told them he wanted to sign for me! Anyway I have a website www.karenmeetscelebrities.com so please check it out and sign the guestbook,!! I also have a message board if you would like to participate in a discussion. Good luck with your collecting!
  • Jason Boyd

    hi =) feel free to check out my newest forum:

    Reader's Address Requests
  • Rob Degraff

    He has signed at the autograph tent at training camp the first Wednesday since 2006 with this year being the only exception and that was due to the weather.   However everyone and their brother knows this so you need to be there by 4am.  Ed Stoddard is a better reference than I am for in person autographs in the Indy area especially if you are looking for Racing.