What kind of member are you? (Check as many as apply.)
What would you like to tell us about yourself, your collecting, or business.
I purchase of the net thru a number of dealers based in Australia and then keep the good(??!!) ones and on sell the rest. I am based in a town Sth Aust called Macclesfield and also sell himalayan salt lamps and bonsais.
I stumbled across your website and of course am highly interested in the authenticity of anything i collect or sell.
What is your level of expertise?
Beginner, Intermediate Collector
Why do you want to join Autograph Live?
Who can we thank for telling you about us?
What are your areas of interest?
Sports, History/Politics, Modern Hollywood and Stage, Music
Why do you collect?
It is an interest/hobby
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
Pink Floyd - all four of them,
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
Steve Cyrkin, Admin
Oct 15, 2017
Steve Cyrkin, Admin
That page not found message is a site bug we're looking into, sorry.
Oct 22, 2017