Diana Birchall

London, England

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

What kind of member are you? (Check as many as apply.)
What would you like to tell us about yourself, your collecting, or business.
I collect books, mostly women's literature of the 18th, 19th and early 20th century. I'm also interested in collecting old magazines to which my novelist grandmother and other writers contributed. And I collect original Mickey Mouse Club material.
What is your level of expertise?
Long Time Lover
What are your areas of interest?
Why do you collect?
For the same reason anybody gets obsessed with an author or subject, and then wants to collect as much as they can relating to that area.
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
Charlotte M. Yonge (Victorian novelist)
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
Jane Austen

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  • Julie Snyder

    Agreed. They all were very approachable. Seems I recall someone commenting on my Mickey Mouse Club pendant. I don't remember who she was...maybe you?
  • Julie Snyder

    I should let you know, that my "In-Person Scoop" in the forthcoming August issue, will not be as extensive as my previous three articles. Actually, the first and third articles were labeled as "One Brief Signing Moment" (2 full pages). The second article was posted under "News" (2 columns covering 2 pages). I actually have an "In-Person Scoop" on Melissa Gilbert in this month's (May 2010) issue.
  • Julie Snyder

    Do you check out Lonnie Burr's website regularly? Have you seen his recent update? Check out the "Anything Can Happen" page and the cartoon link. He's referring to me.