Bob Oliver


Dallas, TX

United States

Profile Information:

What kind of member are you? (Check as many as apply.)
Collector, Fan
What would you like to tell us about yourself, your collecting, or business.
I collect music, vintage movie and TV.
What is your level of expertise?
Advanced Collector, Long Time Lover
Why do you want to join Autograph Live?
I love autographs!!
Who can we thank for telling you about us?
Steve Cyrkin
What are your areas of interest?
History/Politics, Classic Hollywood and Stage, Music, Space/Aviation/Military
Why do you collect?
The history of the signature and lots of fun
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
Jimmy Stewart-Harvey drawing!
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
Abraham Lincoln

Comment Wall:

  • Bill Baldwin

    Hello, Bob.

    Like your MGM editor's softball team, 1937, pix.  Don't know why you call

    it editors and producers.  It's all editors to me.  I can add a few more details

    for you.  George Boemler, standing, was an editor at MGM for about 35 years.

    He was nominated for Academy Award for OKLAHOMA, 1955.  Frank Sullivan

    was there for just as long.  Nominated for AA for Joan of Arc, 1948.  He also

    cut PHILADELPHIA STORY, 1940.  Stanley Kramer was just an asst. editor at

    this time.  He was an MGM asst., 1934-37, and finished as an asst. in Jack

    Chertok's shorts dept. there in 1938.  So with Cotton Warburton and Jim Newcom

    you've now ID'd 5 of the guys.  This was the "Cutters Alley" softball crew at MGM

    Studios.  Hope this helps you to enjoy it more.  Bill Baldwin