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An Interview with Diana Ross-FAILED!

Hi everyone,

About a week ago, I was given some great news. Not only was I going to receive a complimentary media ticket to the Diana Ross concert tonight, but after the show, I was going to be given 10-15 minutes for an interview with Miss Ross, to be held backstage in her dressing room.

This was to all happen tonight-I had even arrived in the area of the theatre hours beforehand for some other events. Unfortunately, I was hit with a double whammy. But I have realized that what happened might be a better story than an actual interview.

First, the marketing director at the theatre called me at about 3:45. She informed me that since Miss Ross lives near this theater, she was demanding 80 complimentary tickets for her friends and family, rather than the usual 50. Therefore, my media ticket was being revoked.

A few minutes later, I called Miss Ross's personal assistant, who I was supposed to contact after the show. I told her what had happened, and she then recommended that I stop by the theatre as soon as possible-Miss Ross was already in the building.

The assistant met me at the stage door, and we went in the elevator up to the dressing room area. In the elevator, she informed me of the "forbidden" topics for this interview, including the other members of the Supremes, Miss Ross's close friend Michael Jackson, and Motown founder Berry Gordy, who she had a well-known relationship with. I assured the assistant that none of these people would be mentioned.

Once we arrived at the dressing room, the assistant quickly went inside to inform Miss Ross that I had arrived. She then sternly told me "Miss Ross will see you now."

I walked in, and there she was-Diana Ross in the flesh. She looked absolutely stunning! Before I could say a word to her, she asked me a simple question: "WELL?"

I politely introduced myself, and told her how much of an honor it was to meet her. Miss Ross then questioned me: "You mean to say that YOU'RE the one that they sent for this interview?" I informed her that I am a freelancer, and I conduct and submit interviews pretty much when I feel like it. Nobody "SENT" me.

Miss Ross called her assistant into the room, and asked her: "Why did you send this CHILD into my dressing room?" Now, I may be fairly young, and I do have a "baby face", but these facts should have nothing to do with my interviews. The assistant asked Miss Ross what she should do about the situation, and the living legend told her to send me out.

Before I left, however, I asked Miss Ross to sign a quick autograph for me. She then told me, "I don't have time right now."

I don't understand what Diana Ross's deal is. Okay, it's true that she doesn't exactly have the best reputation among the press and those who work with her-in fact, many consider her attitude to be divalike.

However, she agreed to participate in a 10-15 minute interview that I would conduct, only to change her mind the minute she met me. It shouldn't really matter-or should it? I'd love to hear your opinions!

Views: 4814

Tags: diana, interview, ross

Comment by Mark J Gross on March 21, 2011 at 3:28pm

A similar thing happened to me at a convention about 2 years ago with Peter Fonda. Peter Fonda agreed to allow me a 10 minute interview with him and I set up my camera and gear , and was very excited.

A woman stepped in front of me and rudely said, " What are you doing, and who is this for?" I told her I was a freelance writer with Autograph Magazine, and she said, "And how will this interview benefit me?" I said the more the readers and fans realize that Peter is out signing at conventions, you will see an increase in fans coming to his shows that now know he is out doing autograph conventions, and the more fans you get, the more people will purchase his items and autographs!


She said, "Well, I am Peters girlfriend, and I don't like this at all, so forget it, go away!" Peter Fonda gazed at me and raised his hands and silently mouthed the words, " I'm Sorry".

I see who wears the very abrasive and rude pants in his relationship, and I was silently, very dissapointed! But life, and other interviews and autograph collecting goes on!!

Comment by Dave S on March 27, 2011 at 1:07am
I'm sorry that happened to you. Some celebrities think they are above it all. Ross has no humility and no respect for her fans. It's a shame.  Sharon Stone is the same. I met Sharon Stone in Singapore and a friend attended a press conference, there were only 10 people in attendance - just goes to show how far her star has fallen-anyway as I'm no longer a working member of the press, I waited until she had finished the 10 minute press conference and I approached her with a gift and was hoping for an autograph. During the press conference she talked about kindness and graciousness but to her it's all an act, no kindness and graciousness about her. When a member of the press approached her for her autograph my friend told me that she rudely refused and when I approached her with my gift she turned her nose up at it and walked away, leaving her minder to take it from me. You can read about my ecounter with the Stony diva here. http://entertainmentsingapore.blogspot.com/2010/12/up-close-and-per...
Comment by DB on March 27, 2011 at 2:38am

aging screen vixen oh how they love to hear this ;-)  I wonder if it is the handlers, the so full of themselve & a bag of chips individual or tha paparrazzi that have created these behaviors,

if she had taken the books would it have been a different report.

Comment by Dave S on March 27, 2011 at 3:22am
DB, even if she hadn't taken the books, but been polite in declining, it would have been different. The handlers were fine as they handled other celebs like Natalie Cole, a very sweet  gracious lady, who had no problem with fans. Stone on the other hand treated fans who dared approach her like a piece of... When the cameras were on that was a different story. Diana Ross's behavior toward David Stone reminded me of my encounter with Stone. Although I have to admit, Ross was way, way ruder.
Comment by DB on March 27, 2011 at 3:44am

DaveS.  that would be the point though about the article...  as hard as it is trying not to let something like her rudeness taint your story.  Although, i'm not sure i'd pay $160.00 for the mere pleasure of someont talking & having a Q&A.  Seems Steve Martin and others are on that particular circuit... I.e. an evening with Steve Martin.  Now if it were Robin Williams that might be interesting especially with his off the wall personality.


At some signings of recent memory, even though they are there for various reasons, I can count on one hand (or maybe two) the number of very genuine, friendly, and embracing stars but from the sport's field the following come to mind; Bart Starr, Frank Malzone, Brooks Robinson, Majic Johnson, Russ Francis and the late Mark "the bird" Fidruch.  There are others and many more like Pete Rose, Roger Clemens, Manny Ramirez, John Hannah and Mike Schmidt amongst many more that are on the opposite end of the spectrum.


Comment by Sidney Fields on April 30, 2011 at 3:18pm

Diana Ross is a notorious jackass.


Working in news and not chasing autographs can be very similar.

But two celebs should be cited as real princes:  

Brooks Robinson who is mentioned below.  

And Smokey Robinson.

I've seen them both in situations in which they  had every right to be annoyed.

And they went above and beyond the call to be nice guys.

Both hall of famers in their fields.

They're also hall of fame people.



Comment by Lynn on January 4, 2013 at 4:55pm
I know this article is old, but I'd like to reply anyway. You have to understand that Ms. Diana Ross is old school and she's Black. Black people have a tendency to "respect ppl who are older/wiser" than you, this is where you messed up and it's why you didn't get the interview. When she mentioned about you being sent to interview, you should've kept your reply short with "I'm a free lancer" and nothing more. All the other stuff you mentioned in attempt to "get back" at her for your hurt pride cost you the interview. She saw it as being disrespectful, remember she is much older than you and saw you as a kid with inexperience and you got smart with her lol.

Another thing that may have gotten you the interview was to appeal to her ethos, had you laid on her that her interview is appreciated and that she is helping a young person with their own aspirations by giving them a chance to be interviewed you more than likely would've gotten the interview AND an autograph. You got smart with her and so she had you booted lol. Respect your elders!! Someone Black would've known this, sorry you didn't get the interview though.
Comment by Lynn on January 4, 2013 at 5:04pm
"A chance to interview her..."
Comment by Lynn on January 4, 2013 at 5:50pm
And to be fair here, your 10-15 minutes was to be AFTER the show, so technically she was squeezing you in, when she really didn't have to and more than likely DID NOT have the time. You must've rubbed her the wrong way something terrible
Comment by Steve Cyrkin, Admin on January 4, 2013 at 7:10pm

Good advice and insight, Lynn. Thanks


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