You might recall that before he died Michael Jackson’s autograph was not too outrageously expensive.  But after Michael Jackson passed away unexpectedly, the price of his autograph soared and really never came back down. Of course, it’s not very often when a music King, like the King of Pop, passes away.

Even before Prince’s unexpected passing, his autograph was already expensive due to popularity and rarity.  It’s long been difficult to find authentic Prince autographs.  But after Prince died, the price of his autographs shot up even more, a lot more, and they haven’t come back down.

I remember reading an article, before David Bowie died, predicting that David Bowie autographs would be the next music autograph to really take off.  And since Mr. Bowie died, sure enough, the price for his pen-to-paper has increased quite a bit.

So I ask, which music star’s autograph price, which today is relatively reasonable, won’t be so reasonable in the relatively near future?  And no, this is not an exercise in predicting the next major music star to kick the bucket.  It’s just a prediction of autograph pricing...for whatever reason.

Feel free to name multiple stars if you’d like.

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There's a lot of great bands that come through one band called, West thebarton but who knows where they'll end up.

Speaking of THE Rocket Man (no, not Kim Jong-un ;)), where might Elton John’s graph value go?

A new band about to hit the road is called, The meaner creatures from Scottland , there's so many artist , Cable ties from Australia.. 

Thanks for bringing them up, Paul.  I will search them out on my Amazon Music app!

Of current younger major stars, Katy Perry comes to mind.  Of course, I’m not wishing tragedy upon anyone ever (ok, maybe Kim Jong-un), but if for some reason she stopped signing altogether, I think Katy Perry’s autograph value might soar.

And what about someday,,years from now, when our beloved icon Mick Jagger absolutely cannot sign anymore, will his autograph price jump even more, perhaps a lot more?

I wouldn't bet on Katy. Don't think she can upgrade from big star to super star.

I think Katy has been inching closer and closer to superstar status.  She’s produced 6 studio albums.  And she has 9 No. 1 hits to her credit!  That’s quite a few actually.  She also holds the distinction of being one of only two stars to produce 5 No. 1 hits on a single album.  The only other person to do that was Michael Jackson with Thriller. 

She apparently is taking a break from making music.  I’m not sure when she’ll resume.  We’ll see if she’s able to reproduce the success she’s had so far in her career.  Of course, it’s not easy obviously.  Just look at Lady Gaga.  Is LG still making the hits like she was 5-10 years ago?  It doesn’t seem like it.

Katy appeals to the other old and young so yes it would be a good one to buy.

Katy and Gaga are both in full blown superstar status (and have been for a while), though artistically, Lady Gaga is likely the more respected of the two.

The period of peak success doesn't have to be that long for your value to hold. The Beatles lasted about a decade, the Stones' creative period was maybe 15 years. Jackson was relevant musically from the late 70s to early 90s. U2 has been on autopilot for the last 10+ years. And these names are still the cream of the crop. What's the last Madonna song you remember?

There is an element of marketing, popularity and legacy that get's a bit trickier to predict for sure. Even on the talent side, there have been several bands over the past years where I've been more than surprised that they couldn't get to the next level. It's a strange game for sure.

Side note on Katy - she remains quite accessible and fan friendly. My friend met her multiple times this past week.

Which means that her autograph price/value probably won’t soar extremely high since she’s very fan friendly...which is a good thing...but obviously will keep her prices and value lower than if she weren’t so damn nice!  Lol.  Of course, that’s good for anyone who’s considering buying her autograph like me.

I think Dylan’s would go up further and likely stay.  Dylan will always be historically relevant.


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