Signed in the Hollywood Canteen. I'm trying to ID #2 & #3. I think number two is possibly Paul Lukas and number three I'm down to 0 ideas other than it looks like XOXO like hugs and kisses. Haha.

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after 4 hours, i am stumped....I can't put a history/person to either person.....all the names on the card lead me towards some musical, yet i see nothing concrete....i can tie williams and kellogg together in film...several of the names connote singers....among the roads i went down to a question mark was Paul Harvey and Paul Fung who starred with Kellogg or Williams in some of the movies...but i was turned back as i didn't believe there was enough to make me believe.....

on the other one that seems so straight forward...Aida hard can that be...yet no references to that name appear in any of the film casts from the 40s for Williams or Kellogg films....i could find the Poto last name tied to multiple films of the 40s as being a family of makeup artists and stunt people....perhaps a sister or family member or a non significant extra in a film....

i spent alot of time wondering about the placement of the sigs on the card, they must have been collected at the same one brings a partially signed/prior signed postcard to a i tried to think of the order and who might have sat with who...thus it lead me to singers and musicals...for awhile...i matched movie years and participation for one name versus the other and that lead me to matching two names per  film, etc....Kellogg and Williams made a film together....

Anyway....i am done.....walking away a loser...wondering why would anyone eat at the cafeteria if they were not making a movie.....i'd be rich and in my mansion....

Frustrating....thanks alot....


No losers here. I think that you've done an excellent job and it helped me in a couple of ways. I wanted a fresh pair of eyes and somebody with a new perspective on it and you went down the same avenues that I did with the same exact results. it just took me a lot longer to get there than it did you. And where you were looking for Poto, I was searching for polo and even took it as far as x's and o's. I put in a minimum of 3 hours on it today in between jobs and must have looked at almost 1000 signatures today alone. These signatures are from the Hollywood canteen during WW2 and these entertainers popped up at various times with no common link as far as shows or movies that they had done together. My grandpa seemed to catch them as he saw them and it makes for a hodgepodge assortment that might actually slow you down if you were to try to make sense out of it. I gave up trying to figure out the relationship between the signatures and started tackling them one by one, which did absolutely nothing to help speed the process up that's for sure.when I first got these signatures I knew nothing about them or where he got them from. I could not imagine my grandpa going to a play or a theater production of any type. I didn't see him doing that kind of thing. I found a couple of matchbooks from the Hollywood canteen and the palladium and the Tahiti and started putting it together when I did some research into the Hollywood Canteen and the entertainers who were just incredible in their dedication towards helping out the service men and women. I've even got a signature of the chef who was in charge of the kitchen the entire time that the Hollywood canteen was open. It was because of him sending a note to President Roosevelt directly that they were able to maintain the amount of supplies needed to continue on a daily basis. These entertainers really came together in ways that I don't know if today's society could. Maybe I'm just being negative but back then it seems like it meant something to be an American and people took pride in the red white and blue. It's one of the things that made this country Strong and gave us character. Everything's got to be so politically correct nowadays that it restricts a person's ability to just be themselves. Doing research on these signatures has been fun and allowed me to see a few things that my grandfather saw as a younger man. Some good things such as the Hollywood canteen and other things that I'm sure weighed on him until the day he died. Anyway, thank you so much. You did a fantastic job and if there's anything I can do for you....

I have been stumped by many a signature on baseballs and programs....changing the material to old actors was sort of fun......i did enjoy the search.....

your grand dad had an interesting life....i would bet most of our parents did from that era....and once again i find/guess that in you, here's another one of us would quietly wonders what the hell is going on in this country.....

thanks for the fun....take care Scott....


Yes sir, I just went back to staring at signature after signature after signature until I about did a face-plant into the keyboard when I saw the one I was looking for. Nothing but pure luck and hardheadedness. I think I have three more left to figure out but that can wait till this evening. Appreciate your hard work and the help.

Oh by the way, if you get any time look up the story of this Paul Kelly. The guy went to prison for beating up his mistress's husband in a fist fight and killing him. He goes to prison for a couple of years, gets out, and finds her and marries her. She went to prison for almost a year because of her role in her husband's death. Later on down the line the lady is involved in an accident and dies in very similar circumstances to the way her husband died. Paul Kelly then dies at a fairly early age but going to prison did nothing to hurt his career and in fact, was in way over a hundred movies after getting out of prison. He did not live a boring life..... 

I found number two. Paul Kelly. I found the signature before but the person had posted the wrong name associated with that signature. That's where I came up with Paul Lucas... I think I might have found number three also but there's so few signatures who this person,  I'm doing a little looking before I put my foot in my mouth. The picture sent to you hopefully it comes up and it's from my photo editor that I kind of overlaid the signatures. One is an authentic signature and the other is the one that I have. 

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well done....i was so close and yet so far......

the other one.....let's take your thought that those are x's and o's.....then presume the lady was arrogant enough/famous enough to just sign her first name Aida.

best wishes's been fun



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