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There has been a lot of confusion lately about Elvis Presley autographs due to a discussion that was recently posted. Elvis is one of the hardest autographs to authenticate as he had so many styles of signatures. After 20+ years of studying his autograph even I can get fooled every once and awhile. What messes up the forger is greed. The autograph gets too consistant for Elvis and they get caught. Recently a VERY good forger popped up and fooled me and others. The good thing is before the forgeries could be sold we figured out the forgeries and put a stop to this person. As you will see in this post "Elvis was consistantly inconsistant in the way he signed and wrote". There are though things he always did that show through though. All I am going to do here is post authentic signatures. I won't be explaining them in any way, that will be for you to do to educate yourselves. I will answer some questions though if needed. Enjoy!

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As you can see from above his signature changes quite a bit.  Here are some more images.

Dear Roger!

Welcome back :)


thanks for posting this. My head was spinning trying to figure out which end was up with that previous thread on Elvis.

Thanks for the kind words, I have to agree with you on that it does go all over the place.  Here some more images.I said in the other posting about people watch my every move, it's creepy and to prove what I'm saying there is a blog that already posted that I'm back on this site.  Creepy!
Good to see you back. I hope cooler heads have prevailed.


You're trying to cause dissent here. Brick and Roger get along very well. There's no competition going on. 

Stop wasting everyone's time and energy. Either act like a responsible and ethical member of this site or leave. If you're goal is to push me until I suspend you, think seriously about it. Because I've warned you enough that I won't suspend you if it gets that far—I'll remove you from the site and never allow you back.

Which would be a shame, because in the past you've been a meaningful member of this site, and I hold hope that could happen again.

Greg, why do you keep calling me a young person? It's not as though I'm a teenager. I've been collecting for over a decade. That's not much compared to some collectors but I consider myself a fairly fast learner. I'm trying at least. I want the truth. I'd be surprised if you were more than twenty years my senior.


I think Greg has done way too much for this site and the autograph hobby as a whole (Jimi Hendrix study was brilliant) to be cast off. It often sounds like he has more against Roger than he's shown. Is there more evidence to that? I think there could be some credence to these downward sloping "P's," I don't think it's a conspiracy though. It can be frustrating when someone won't reveal their "tells" or the reason they feel this or way that. But it is Roger's prerogative. He has given a lot of free authentication on this site.


Truths if they are there will come out. Whether it is on this site or not. I don't think the antagonistic attitudes helped from the beginning.

Brick, you are correct that "P" is a very good sign of Bakker forgeries.  It's VERY telling, the problem is that Elvis did do it now and then too jsut like he did on the one on the other blog.  Hans had to have seen it somewhere to have used that as his template.  The thing that everyone needs to understand though is you can't just focus on ONE letter in a signature to say that it's not authentic.  Hans made many other errors consistantly and when you put them ALL together you find a Hans forgery.  For some reason and I believe it comes from a joke I made on a blog he started about how hot some girl was.  After my comment he made a very knife cutting comment back and within 2 days he became an Elvis expert and started his posted to try to discredit me.  That's just my guess.  He said that in a year he would come back and post some great Elvis study but it would take many more years then that to understand Elvis's signature, handwriting and all of his other people that signed for him.  Then he would have to study and point out all of the forgers from over the last 50 years that did Elvis.  It just doesn't work like that.  I have studied Elvis with many other very good people who are experts on Elvis for over 20 years.  I still don't know everything there is to know and learn something new all the time.
Nice to see the Thespians are here to shed such intelligencia on the site.  You really showed me!


I think you need to stop using this site until you can act sanely and responsibly. I don't know if you actually drink as much as you say you do, or what's going on. But you've turned from a valuable and responsible member of this site into a joke. Act decently and responsibly, or leave if you don't want to. 


ah ha, now I see what the squabble entails.  Funny part about 21st century blogging is one can't always see the "humour" or "intent" in a simple blogged entry and interpretations can run the gamut.  Sort of like VanDerHoven's sense of humor and play lol.


nonetheless, oh owner of AMLive, these types of posts should be done offline and not in public.  if a violation of posting rules has been done -vs- a brewing fight (u created a thread for Friday Night Fights as I recall and they can do it there)... but if a violation occurred then the post get's removed. 


It would be nice to see bantering and touche/parry subside but as I have seen it's ok to a point and provides character insights.  When taken too far (and it must be consistent regardless of poster) then some offline interactions ought to occur not public displays directed at anyone person.


Perhaps a reminder of the code of conduct on threads when the bantering goes to far is warranted as a message to everyone which would be a good public posting from a moderator and also a fair warning that some private discussions may be next..


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