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Garry King is well liked by some but I see a big problem with some of the items I see on his site.  I'm not referring to Kenny Baker and other small bits but rather the large $$ music items.

Dealers in the UK might not be aware of current music item that they offer for sale.  In another thread several autographs from Autografica were deemed fake.  The items were Clint Eastwood, Charlton Heston and Harrison Ford.

He might not know there is a problem. 

Tags: Charlton, Clint, Eastwood, Ford, Garry, Harrison, Heath, King, Ledger, Philippe, More…Ryan, heston

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You're spot-on. Garry has been targeted by people who want him gone. Look at this entire discussion, posted by one anonymous person who got everyone fired up against him. This is the same garbage Roger and I deal with in the US. 

One of the reasons I suspended a popular member here is that he told me he was going to destroy Garry and if I didn't let him back on he'd have someone else to do it. I didn't let him back on, and the person he must have been working with in the first discussion started this one.

Ok it seems I have to bloody clear stuff up again and am not even getting paid .
Steve maybe a week ago and there is a half reason but not anymore .
Ken mills actually is a good guy he has been doing longer than anyone I know maybe before I was born and am 38 .
He has asked Adrian to come and collect as he wants a refund for this items because of the hustle attachéd to them .

He asked a few weeks ago some one at Aftal if he is ok to sell them and he was told via email yes they are fine blah blah this is after the statement .
Since then He called me sometime last week and I said to him there is 2 things here one is you bite your tounge and burn them or you return them it don't matter what who says what I said to him , they've cost him 3.000 so I know 101% he has emailed Adrian half a dozen times asking for a refund .
Unfortunately this is another dealer now getting a bad rep here for this not been handled properly .
Honestly guys this old guy would not sell something if it was 100% fake , actually this is another dealer that has told me he is gonna walk away from
Aftal .

To be honest he has pushed Aftal to change so much he proposed things but nothing happened cause of this case .

I would say give this guy a miss , it's a shame he is another guy that trusts people and buys from other hounds and graffers , he actually told me he was almost ready to quit as this jacko thing has hurt him mentally .


I believe you. I'll give him a miss on this. Whoever gave him that advice should be shot. He also had some Adrian McCartneys that hopefully he's taken off sale. 

I promise you this guy you tell him something is bad he will take it down.
He don't care he actually wanted to change Aftal for a long time .
I have on email his long proposals this is long before all this .
It was also his idea to pay for a police forensic investigator to look at the jacksons .
But there was problems with that idea , anyway this guy is ok but just like any dealer that buys he gets caught out once in a while , always asks me and if I say fake dont bother then he don't .

Have the Mccartneys been removed Steve ?

I do not look at this dealers site anymore for personal reasons, and I assume these McCartneys are the questinable ones as supplied by Adrian around the world

Steve, I think BWilliams is a real person that wanted to know about a Clint Eastwood.  There was no attack against Garry King.  It was such a small innocent post and I'm shocked anyone responded. Then the thread started to unravel.  People picked out a lot of items that Garry King was offering that many people did not think were right.  Since then he has left up many of the items and disappeared.  Not good.

That's true. You were very complimentary about Ken Mills.

Wow !

Thank you for admitting this, it takes the pressure of fingers being pointed at innocent people

Im assuming a lot of people will be impressed by your honesty

I so want to say things my self but I dare not at this moment.....

Im just sitting back and watching this unfold

So are the Jacksons shown by Steve, which were offered to you not Authentic ?

I will not make a judgement

Do they come with a AFTAL COA  ?



So this "great guy" with about 30 years in the business and knows full well there is controversy surrounding these items yet still sent you 5 to pick from just last week? I look at this dealers actions..... he took them off his website yet is still selling them alone shows me he knows. If he was unknowing about all this then yes he would be a victim like anyone else. He pulled them from his website. Unbelievable the number that believe this dealer is a victim.

It doesn't matter that he didn't offer them and you specifically asked. He is a dealer with a website. If it isn't on there then most would have to ask. If you sent him the cash would he have closed the deal? Did he tell you or inform you the chance that these might be forgeries? He offer you a huge discount for the risk you'd be taking with your purchase? Anything like this at all? If he did then by all means kudos to him.........but if he didn't then I'd say he was intentionally trying to decieve you. Doesn't sound like a "great" or honest dealer to me. I'd be pissed about it a trusted dealer possibly trying to rip me off.

So, Garry King and his merry band of board members are allowing the previous statement regarding the Jackson items ( funny how the opinions of the Eastwood, Harrison Ford, McCartney, and possible others isn't mentioned ). To "open the door" for dealers to offer these MJ autographs with the AFTAL "Stamp of approval".

Deny it all you want, the truth is the truth. Until the previous statement by AFTAL is changed, as of now, the Board members ( which includes Garry King ) are backing these items 100%. Sorry, that's what the AFTAL statement sums up for everyone.

What Garry King as his own grown adult self should do, is to give his personal opinion on these items. Why does he have to toe the AFTAL party line? Is he not allowed to have differing views? Does he have differing views? How will we ever know if the people holding his leash don't let him speak.

The whole idea of AFTAL ( especially the actions of the board ) having this kind of "control" is fascism to me. Think about it, we have dealers who speak under the fear of punitive actions, threats, & dealers selling items "underground".


I agree.  A board is a group of individuals- not a single entity.  If Garry is the member of the board, he should say his true beliefs as well as any other board member.  Including non-board members  

There are many great dealers on AFTAL, Garry King himself and Andy Hemington are two I have personally bought from and had a very positive experience.  

However, in morality, if you know something illegal/morally wrong is going on and you don't say anything, you are just as guilty as the wrongdoers.  

Great Britain's had free speech longer than the US, so there really should be no fears in terms of retribution; if those threats are THAT serious, appropriate legal action should be taken.  

If AFTAL's lawyers have told boardmembers not to make any statements about this before the official statement or court ruling is released, then I think that the boardmembers have a responsibility to the organization and its members to not say anything yet.

But I would be disappointed if Garry didn't say what he thought after the official release.

An official release is supposedly coming in the next few days. I'm not hopeful, because what's in the best interest of Adrian Longden is probably also in the best interests of certain powerful AFTAL members. But I'm willing to give them a chance to surpris us.



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