
Because I see the important of having a forum to discuss legit items. Even though it can wrongly accuse and upset people who believe they have a genuine item.

I will give anyone who messages me - these handwritten notes to Little Susie for free. 

First one to give me their address to: ************ I will send it to. It did come from Julien's but I strongly believe they are legit. I value them at over $1000.00

Hopefully everyone can love me, as people loved MJ.

First one to text me!!!!!!!!!!!! And then give me their address will be my winner.

**Moderator note:  This discussion was created by Simon Parr Auctions under an assumed name.

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I would rather give my address to the Crown Prince from Nigeria who needs to deposit $20 million into my account that is frozen after his father's death 

Fair enough. I'm not asking for any money. If you believe the lyrics are fake then so be it.

Maybe worth $2000+ you know what their value is.

Their value is the same as me taking a piece of paper and writing the same lyrics on it.

You seriously don't believe these are real!!!!!!!!

Want to collect them then?

I like you Tracey,may I have them.

I don't like how you spoke to me. But Ian everyone else was stupid and hasn't said yes.

Now it's up to you, do you want to collect or do you want me to post.

I have a house in Oklahoma that I will be at on the 26th July, and I'm travelling to California, and then San Diego through August. Let me know what you want to do.

Now Tracey your playing games. The person there doesnt know anything.

This is my husbands phone. I should have said send a text tomorrow.

If you email me at

 I really would have taken them but have decided to pass, but thank you for the offer.

That's ok. It's been nice dealing with you.

Add me as friend and ask the next person who wants the draft lyrics to Little Susie.

I removed her.  This is how she ended her last stint here on the forum.   She wanted to start trading MJ items, and given her bizarre behavior and habitual lying, I do not want anyone to send something off to her, and have nothing come in return to you. 

She'll be back I'm sure..... groan.



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