Byron, GA

United States

Profile Information:

What kind of member are you? (Check as many as apply.)
Collector, Dealer
What are your areas of interest?
Sports, Space/Aviation/Military
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
Tim Richmond, Tiny Lund

Comment Wall:

  • Brandon Mysinger

    Sorry JB..Those Dale Sr's are Fake...They are both wrong in many areas. Therearea some very specific things to look for in Dale's signature
  • Brandon Mysinger

    Ok, look at your examples which are all authentic and then look at the listing....see the differences? The cards on ebay are not authentic
  • JB3

    I do. But I see a lot of similarites too. I still think that the placement really threw it off. Of course, I would have just had them signed on the front because I hate 1990 MAXX card signed on the back. I have a beautiful Alan Kulwicki signed card on the back of the 1990 MAXX and it's bleeding through. I wouldn't buy the Earnhardt's in reference becuase they are sloppy.