Started this discussion. Last reply by Ira Rosen Jun 26, 2023. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Hi All,Would appreciate opinions on these Bangles signatures. Thanks in…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Ira Rosen May 27, 2019. 1 Reply 0 Likes
This is the original soundtrack LP on Columbia Records, signed by Andrea McArdle, Sarah Jessica Parker, Allison Smith, Alyson Kirk and Shelley Bruce - all five of the original actresses to play the…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Steve Viola Apr 9, 2019. 8 Replies 1 Like
Going to see Jackson Browne next week on his acoustic tour. Does anyone know if he signs before or after the show? Stage door before sound check? On the way out to the bus?Are there any signed items…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Ira Rosen Jan 5, 2017. 6 Replies 0 Likes
Would appreciate feedback on the following two Van Morrison signatures. Thanks! Continue
Aloha- I want it known that "ALL" of my signitures are right from the artists or celebrites themselves in person while partying after shows. On my Island people come to rlax and jam not to put on massive shows like cities such as Oahu or mainland. On big Island Carlos, Elton, Steve Miller, before his far to soon death Norton Buffalo, Willie Nelson, Paul Nash (MY CLOSE FRIEND , u GOTTA hearthis guy from Canada i just got him to move to Big Island, do not pidgeon hole him as a cowboy, he is also an MMA fighter and his heros are Pantera and ZZtop and heavy metal !!! If you write me at my home email I will send you a few of his newest cuts from the studio inthe funk as well as rock genres and a song or 2 off his newest C/W cd. I have permission and can provide all his cds and tshirts at a discount price with Signitures on my custom photo from his local shows !! I also have just received a couple of new studio tracks of Acklee Kings newest show just back from Europe and can turn u on to POOPOO and George Clintons latest studio party jams that no one has but I can get ou copies again at discount prices !! And of Course my CD of Walter Aipolani the Hoku award winning Regae artist from Hawaii ( We call it Jawaiian reggae here) for sale at a masive discount. It isthe rarest and most expensive and hard to get cd in Hawaii, Look it up you can find USED copies going for almost 2 bills !! I will get you a signed copy by Waltah and myself and other artists onthe project for a price that will drop your pants !!! There are only 250 LEFT period of the origional press and I OWN everyone of them !!! As a gift I will add a brand new still in shrink wrap cassette for the true collector !! Of course I have to unwrap the cds to getthem signed unless you want a full 8x 11 high gloss origional photo of us two together signed so you can open your cd and make mp3s or wavs then frame the photo and cd case and booklet !!!
Aloha Ka Kou-- This is a TRUE exceptional deal for music collctors and there are stories that go with this cd that make it EXTREMELY rare !!! Only 2 artists have ever taken a studio to court and sued to get their rights back and even their origional studio masters (ONLY TWO !!!) - guess who was ONE of them... hehehe. yeppers it is me ! If any one is interested and has acess to a 24 track recording unit I have like 5 FULL reels of recordings and the information to put them all togeter, once digitized I can do all digital work but have NO means to getthem changed to the individual wav files to work with ! If you help me I promise we will go Hoku withthese recordings and with my private jungle recordings of some of the oldest living Slack Key artists recorded here at my home. You ask WHY dont I do it here?? Well the answers are above, I BURNED the thieves who have been ripping off Hawiian a
Aloha my bruddah well the poster is dated as the 25th anniversary of woodstock on sat. july 23 11am- 5 pm. believe it or not there is not a year onthe the tickets do not even have the year on them. nor does richies or country joes. i will scan in the poster. andthe album. i am not sure who signed it and if i remember correctly the album is a dark one andthe signitures are of course dark as well. but they are guarenteed reall and i am quite sure the boys will remember me quite well for reasons i need not go into on a public here are the list of names easily readable (
1) Billy Lamon,
2) Evan Morgan
3) John Dawson (origional on Panama Red)
In 1997, the New Riders of the Purple Sage split up. Dawson moved to Mexico and became an English teacher. In 2002, The New Riders accepted a Lifetime Achievement Award from the High Times magazine. On hand were a frail Dawson (suffering from emphysema), Nelson, Cage, Dryden and Torbert's widow Patti.
John "Marmaduke" Dawson died on July 21, 2009, at the age of 64 in Mexico. This statement was posted on the band's official website: "John Collins Dawson IV (June 16, 1945 – July 21, 2009). John passed away peacefully on July 21, 2009 at the age of 64 in Mexico, where he had retired several years ago
4) i cant read it well we were all kind of well lets say we were celebrating the concept of Woodstock at the time so writing a name was not an east tast the letters i see are j (possibly t) & P . now if i can remember how to post pics here i will do so. give me a few moments to see if i can work it out. Well I am not sure if what I did worked out to where
Aloha Ira yes I still have the album I posted here. I also found the other day an orgigional poster from the concert. The poster has no signitures but it does verify when and where they were here and for the reason of celebrating Woodstock. I did get albums signed by Country Joe that day and of course Richie. Sorry when I lost my comp I lost all my passwords and just last night figured out to get back in hre to reply to you. With Kind Regards, Joed
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