  • Chattanooga, TN
  • United States
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  • randy briggs
  • Kristy Carr
  • Joseph S. Rank
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VolFins's Discussions

Ebay Seller jmhay05, Previously historicgraphsllc

Started this discussion. Last reply by Steve Zarelli Oct 21, 2020. 2 Replies

Hey guys, any thoughts ? The name sounds so familiar, but I can't place it.Thank you.https://www.ebay.com/usr/jmhay05Continue

No Ebay Response Concerning Fake Baseball

Started this discussion. Last reply by Don Webster May 1, 2016. 10 Replies

What does it take to get Ebay to pull down a fake item ?? I have reported this baseball 5 times and it's still up !! I report every single one of these I see and the last couple of times it has been…Continue

Tags: Report, Help, Fake, Ebay

Dimaggio Brothers Autographed Card Set

Started this discussion. Last reply by VolFins Apr 1, 2016. 2 Replies

Hey guys, I have decided to sell my Dimaggio brothers autographed set of 1978 Grand Slam cards that I framed a year or so ago. I would really appreciate opinions on how much I should ask for it. I…Continue

Tags: Dimaggio, Joe

Dimaggio Brothers Autographed Card Set

Started Mar 30, 2016 0 Replies

Hey guys, I have decided to sell my Dimaggio brothers autographed set of 1978 Grand Slam cards that I framed a year or so ago. I would really appreciate opinions on how much I should ask for it. I…Continue

Tags: Dimaggio, Joe


VolFins's Page

Latest Activity

Steve Zarelli replied to VolFins's discussion Ebay Seller jmhay05, Previously historicgraphsllc
"JMHAY05 is now selling under the name of OPM1877"
Oct 21, 2020
Chris Michaels replied to VolFins's discussion Ebay Seller jmhay05, Previously historicgraphsllc
"I'm curious if anybody has experience with this seller also. From a couple years so hopefully somebody may have more info thanks -chris"
Mar 20, 2020

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Collector, Fan
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Atlanta Braves, Tennessee Volunteers, Miami Dolphins, all vintage and retired players of baseball and football, and a few political and music figures.
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Intermediate Collector
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Love collecting autographed memorabilia and want to avoid fakes.
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Why do you collect?
I love the history behind the autographs, the accomplishments, personalities, stories, it's just fun.
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
I have 3 faves, Dan Marino, Peyton Manning, and Babe Ruth.
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
Elvis Presley

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At 8:57am on January 2, 2014, Kristy Carr said…

Hi Rhonda - I saw your post regarding desert storm autographs and I was wondering if you might be able to assist me? My husband received an autograph on an index card from someone when he was stationed in Kuwait/Iraq and we just found it in a box and were trying to remember who it might have been. It could be a news reporter or politician. Do you have any experience in this type of thing or autographs I might compare it to? Thanks so much!


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