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Looks good to me, my mother had an identical one from the same year

It's difficult to say with Hudson as far as I know, but this might be good. The context seems trustworthy and the sig itself also. But see what others say.

Phil and KaiMi, Thanks for the look.

David - These days I am erring more on the side of caution.  It varies somewhat from what I've seen on contracts, other album pages, etc.  I'm not sure I care for the flow of this one.  Not a fan of that mammoth "R".

Here's a contract sig. from 1978 for comparison:  

Etienne, Thanks for the Look.

I have my doubts on this one, David. The "R" in Rock is atypical for starters. Some other unusual traits. You might want to take a look on RR Auctions past auctions for some comparisons.

As I said, I'm not too familiar with Hudson. But his R is always comparatively big, and in an in-person situation might be a little exagerrated. For me, the flow of the writing is trustworthy. But again: No Hudson expert.

KaiMi, Thanks for the look.

Joe W., Thanks for the look.

Virtually all examples I have seen Rock signed his "R" with one continuous stroke. I can't say I've spent a whole lot of time studying Rock signatures either.

Joe W., Thats why we are here Joe W., to talk about the ink.

I have a complete guest book of  Emily Torchia and her Mom from pre WW2-70's. Emily was an MGM publicist from 1939-69. When she retired she became Rock Hudson's Publicist.These 2 Hudsons and the Olivia are from that book.


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