Tripped over this seller and posted info on my PSA/DNA thread (we can''t stay focused in any thread, I know) based on a discussion we were having with Brandon.  Since GAI is now defunct and there is alot of allegedly fake items rubber stamped by Baker and  Justin Priddy (who is now ACE) it seemed to me to let this seller know before what he has sold comes under fire and or he is banned.    Based on the response he provided on how he acquired his inventory whenever I hear "friends" I start having my doubts.    Redsox have Spring Training in Florida along with most major league teams - seems a stretch!
here is an ebay seller;


who is selling quite a few GAI sport items.  When I inquired of a Terry Francona item; with cert number  GV326376.

he responded that the "authenticator" is Mike Baker director of authentication - so perhaps he doesn't know.  I did as suggested above but am surprised as he seems to have sold a number of GAI items and would have thought that Steve et all would have headed him off at the pass already.


me and my friends had all the balls signed at spring training we did over 500 balls gai had mike come out and certified them at the camp. i will call gai and see if they can redo them for me thanks again

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Steve Sipe reports that these autographs are authentic as are the COAs ( which were issued before GAI was ended ). He also stated that the seller paid to have two Global Authentics staff members go to the event with him and his partners to see that the signatures were obtained in-person.


If you require more info just email him at


This is the info that was just relayed to me.  I'm sure Steve will be able to further clarify if anyone wishes to contact him though.


Hope this helps!


was it Mike Baker & Justin Priddy per chance.... lol


with the issue over Mike Baker et all., it would be much simplier to replace the GAIs although that does raise some ethical questions of provenance.  I find it hard to believe as I'd like to know what event they are speaking about since there are a number of different players and teams involved and when I think of in-person at an "event"


since the Redsox play at Fort Meyers and the Yankees at Tampa I am having trouble with the "onsite" stuff as GAI was calif based was it not?

The word "event" was my word, not Steve's.

Here are the exact quotes from Steve on the subject.


"This deal was done in 2008 and two people traveled to spring training in Florida for an entire week. The person paid for our flights and the authentication of these at a reduced rate obviously"


And the Baker certs were used ( even as he was on his way out at the time ) because the new COAs were still being printed. Per Steve, This decision was made by the President of the Company at the time Bill Dully.  Bill was a former Management personel at Upper Deck and President of Donruss trading cards.


So, That's all I have found out.  I have no idea if the items are authentic or not though.  That's a question for a Baseball expert who can look at the signatures and be un-biased about any COA present.  Does that person / people exist?


Sorry I don't have any more info than that.  It will just have to fall to the age old question, Is it real?

Thanks Brandon very helpful.    Just heard back from steve as well'


"The staff was there for an entire week and travelled to all the site with the group. We also had a crew in AZ with another of their groups although much smaller. That is how it is that there are so many baseballs in his possession. Steinbrenner would sit in his car and sign for all the people and did so three different times during this trip as well as many others."
Thus it is certainly possible and fills in some of the blanks. 

Yea Thanks Brandon, I have now come to beleive your heart is is the right place, but still think you really are NOT aware of the depths of the forgeries. You guys can go on and on on and for 10 pages about the few Mistakes that PSA makes. The one thing you all HAVE to know is that they don't do it intentionally IMHO. Otherwise, you would not see 1000's upon thousands of fakes EVERY DAY like you do with Global. Somewhere a f****** crook infiltrated GAI. From one of the Big 3 to a STAT Authentic OVER NIGHT. While you are at it CADDY1226 has 10-20 GAI FAKE MANTLES EVERY WEEK. Not to mention all the other s*** from Dimaggio, Williams, Ali, woods. Just 1000's of FAKES.


This was done to RIP OFF PEOPLE AS IN A GIANT F****** SCAM. Tell STEVE SIPE TO START PULLING ALL THAT FAKE CRAP IF HE wants to save his credibility. I will say The only GAI Mantle I have that is real, comes with a Sipe COA. They rarely if ever come up for auction anymore and when they do it's a needle in a haystack of Terrible pathetic Forgeries that any collector can easily tell. That cozy relationship at E-bay has just taken a toll of good vs evil and if Sipe really wanted to do anything about it , he could .


Now I know we have had this converstion before Brandon and I'm sorry to group you with this crap. That is not my intention. You are a hard working guy who has a passion for Nascar and I'm betting pretty good at what you do with the time you put in. A man of your talent could spend 1 hour on MAntle and see just how terribly phony all that e-bay and coaches corner GAI crap is and then maybe you would see what a GIGANTIC problem this is.


Forget this p****** match with JSA and PSA.   Start by actually making a difference and pulling that crap down and throwing people off e-bay that are in on the ground floor of this scam. Caddy is from Pembrooke Pines or falls or whatever armpit part of the country the cheater f****** are in, just like all your buddy Steve Koschal.


Do something about this GAI Crap that is just infesting E-bay and maybe lowly collectors like myself would come back and maybe give you antoher chance. I admire you for being smart, asking for your own cert, because GAI HAS JUMPED the Shark along time ago and no-one does anything about it. THE SCAM GOES ON AND ON. GAI GLOBAL isNO better than STAT, AAU, TTA  Dr.Birdshit, or that despicable pickle smoker Christopher Morales.


Forward this crazy rant from this stupid collector to Steve Sipe. The collector that used to spend quite a bit of money, who your company helped to disenchant from collecting. Who will no longer spend a f'ing penny until you clean up the mess with e-bay, admit there was Fraud commited, NOt mistakes. That what PSA and JSA make...mistakes. maybe more than we care to admit, but this GAI crap scam butt plugging of e-bay buyers is going on it's 3rd year now....DO SOMETHING. I can only watch in horror from here on out. All the best and good luck to all of you.

 Fuddjcal   here is steve's email; fire for effect and let us know the results;

I am well aware of the forgeries and I do what I can on my end of the hobby to take them off the market.
I have no idea why he wants to do his mind its something and as far as nascar goes if priddy or baker made an error I will help fix it...its just part of it.

I HATE Coas...hate them....its stupid and no item I ever sell will have one attached.

Without a certificate of authenticity there would be no difference than buying something from the guy down the street.  Saying to someone I got it from Brandon and having something that indicates Brandon indeed reviewed and opined on it are two entirely different ends of the spectrum.


Are the COA's from STAT, ACE, Morales, "SOME" GAIs (although it seems the good ones are also tainted), TTA on the same plain as JSA, REAL, Rez, PSA, PSA/DNA, ParkWest & R&R?    I think not.


Without them there would be little measure of authenticity.

Because its the mindset that psa. Jsa gai and others created

Travis, Terry Francona is the manager of the Boston RedSox who has led them to two world series and a number of division championships.  In the New England area he is the "michael jordan" of baseball for those of us who watch baseball and hate the Evil Empire.


pictures as we know of signings have been and will continue to be doctored.  There are a number of them I beleive with ARA running around here.  The Total Profit assuming each ball sells at the asking price is around $20k.  What net profit is would be anyone's guess then again it presumes Priddy, as has already been suggested, isn't running around just handing out the COAs.


I believe Sipe is doing the right thing and not walking away from the problem as you suggest he ought to do.

really... let's not start giving him a verbal blow job just quite yet. I have yet to see ONE FAKE GAI MANTLE PULLED BY E-BAY, or a statement as to why this Fraud was perpetrated on the American Public and continues today going on 3 years with the backing of Steve Sipe and GAI Global as an authorized  E-bay Authenticator. It's a mess and a complete joke if you ask me. Obviously, the professionals all have their equipment tucked in and can't utter a word about the fraud, how it happened, how to stop it and apologize for it. Some of you that know my good nature AND HUMOR HAVE PROBABLY NOTICED THAT I AM JUST FED UP WITH THIS CRAP AND UNTIL ANSWERS ARE PUBLISHED AND SOMETHING IS ACTUALLY DONE. aLL YOU DEALERS CAN POUND SAND AND TAKE IT IN THE SHORTS LIKE THE REST OF THE ECONOMY, CAUSE 'M NOT BUYING ANOTHER AUTOGRAPH UNTIL THIS BS IS CLEARED UP.


This industry is one of the worst I have ever seen for losers and mouths that won't open about obvious fraud. How about the truth someone?  The Authentication hen house is a complete MESS.


Crickets Crickets Crickets....That's what i thought.


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