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Welcome, Chris W.

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CJCollector commented on CJCollector's blog post Ebay Seller P47warhawk Sells Forged Babe Ruth Cut Auto For $3,750.00
"Thanks, JK.  I'll check them out."
JK commented on CJCollector's blog post Ebay Seller P47warhawk Sells Forged Babe Ruth Cut Auto For $3,750.00
"Their sales history shows that they sold it previously in January.  Presumably the buyer returned it. More disturbing is that they have a couple other autographs of other players which are on the sane kind of cardstock which are slabbed by…"
CJCollector posted blog posts
CJCollector posted a blog post

Ebay Seller Skess10 Lists Two Forged Mickey Mantle Baseballs 536 Hr's

Immediately below is a link titled Most Common Mantle Forgeries and How To Avoid Them Part 2.https://live.autographmagazine.com/profiles/blogs/most-common-mantle-forgeries-and-how-to-avoid-them-part-2Check out the two forged Mickey Mantle baseballs listed by Ebay seller Skess10.  They are both on Budig baseballs and include the inscription "536 Hr's."The Buy It now is…See More
CJCollector commented on CJCollector's blog post Ebay Seller Tigerfrank6969 Lists Forged Shohei Ohtani Baseball Cards
"It sure is, Terrier.   Total garbage.  There's a seller with no conscience."
Mar 8
terrier8HOF commented on CJCollector's blog post Ebay Seller Tigerfrank6969 Lists Forged Shohei Ohtani Baseball Cards
"nice collection of crap"
Mar 8
CJCollector posted a blog post

Ebay Seller Tigerfrank6969 Lists Forged Shohei Ohtani Baseball Cards

Check out the below Shohei Ohtani forged baseball cards listed by Ebay seller Tigerfrank6969.Horrid-looking forgeries.…See More
Mar 3
CJCollector posted a blog post

Ebay Seller Cscsportscards31 Sells Forged 500 Homerun Club Baseball For $355.00

Immediately below is a link to a blog showing examples of forged 500 Homerun Club baseballs, posters, etc.https://live.autographmagazine.com/forum/topics/examples-of-500-homerun-club-forgeries-on-ebayWhen does a 500 Homerun Club baseball sell for $355.00?When they are all forged.The below forged 500 Homerun Club baseball was sold by Ebay seller Cscsportscards31 for a whopping $355.00.I…See More
Feb 23
CJCollector replied to Jim Cornall's discussion Pretty sure on the Koufax COAs - can anyone confirm?
Feb 21
CJCollector posted a blog post

Ebay Seller Jody488 Lists Forged Mickey Mantle Photo COA Not Scoreboard

Before I continue, below are links showing hundreds of examples of forged Mickey Mantle baseballs, photos, etc. found on Ebay (the most dangerous place to buy autographs if you're a casual collector or impulse buyer).https://live.autographmagazine.com/forum/topics/ebay-mantle-dimaggi...…See More
Feb 2
CJCollector posted blog posts
Feb 1
CJCollector commented on CJCollector's blog post Ebay Seller Alakeise0 Lists Forged Counterfeit Willie Mays 1996-97 Topps Card
"That's a good point, Steve. I have no doubt the forged/counterfeit versions of the various cards have a higher production number than the original Topps cards."
Jan 31
Steve Zarelli commented on CJCollector's blog post Ebay Seller Alakeise0 Lists Forged Counterfeit Willie Mays 1996-97 Topps Card
"It's astonishing how many counterfeit "pack signed" cards are on the market. With this Mays card, I suspect there are more counterfeits than real. "
Jan 31
CJCollector replied to Larry Rosenbaum's discussion Mantle, Williams and DiMaggio: Authenticating Baseball Forger Favorites
"This Mantle is simply ugly.  "
Jan 27
CJCollector replied to Bob's discussion TOPPS Transcendence Autograph list
"Bob, I believe it's over $25K for a box of that product.  It's primarily purchased by breakers."
Jan 27
CJCollector replied to Larry Rosenbaum's discussion Mantle, Williams and DiMaggio: Authenticating Baseball Forger Favorites
"Fayeilding, it's takes a ton of dedication to want to learn autographs.  And a lot of time. It is very difficult, and probably impossible to explain to a novice the difference between an authentic autograph and a forgery."
Jan 27

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Tom, Tresh, Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Derek Jeter and Teresa Wright.
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Advanced Collector
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Help rid the autograph hobby of forgeries like those certed by Stephen Rocchi and his Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators group.
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Mr. Steve Cyrkin
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What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
Tom Tresh 1963 Autographed Card.
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
George Washington
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October 15, 2023

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CJCollector's Blog

Ebay Seller P47warhawk Sells Forged Babe Ruth Cut Auto For $3,750.00

Posted on March 23, 2025 at 6:11am 2 Comments

Over the last twenty years I've exposed thousands upon thousands of forgeries sold on Ebay.

I have to write, that even though I thought the sales of forgeries on Ebay would decline or level off, it has only gotten worse.

The forgery industry is as big as ever.

Check out the below horrid-looking forged Babe Ruth cute autograph…


Ebay Seller Skess10 Sells Forged 500 Homerun Club Baseball For $662.01

Posted on March 22, 2025 at 6:32pm 0 Comments

Immediately below is a link to a previous blog on Ebay seller Skess10.


Below is the forged 500 Homerun Club…


Ebay Seller Skess10 Lists Two Forged Mickey Mantle Baseballs 536 Hr's

Posted on March 21, 2025 at 5:31pm 0 Comments

Immediately below is a link titled Most Common Mantle Forgeries and How To Avoid Them Part 2.


Check out the two forged…


Ebay Seller Tigerfrank6969 Lists Forged Shohei Ohtani Baseball Cards

Posted on March 3, 2025 at 6:03pm 2 Comments

Check out the below Shohei Ohtani forged baseball cards listed by Ebay seller Tigerfrank6969.

Horrid-looking forgeries.…


Ebay Seller Cscsportscards31 Sells Forged 500 Homerun Club Baseball For $355.00

Posted on February 23, 2025 at 9:19am 0 Comments

Immediately below is a link to a blog showing examples of forged 500 Homerun Club baseballs, posters, etc.


When does a 500 Homerun Club baseball…


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At 7:04pm on July 10, 2018, CuJo said…

I also have some unique collectibles that I believe could be one of a kinds to include a Babe Ruth Autographed Baseball.  I have been collecting stuff for many years and would about bet the bank that the Babe Ruth signature is legit.  Here is the twist.  On the opposite Sweet Spot there is nothing.  On the other sweet spot it has Babe Ruth and I cannot tell if it was printed or signature but I am thinking this was printed and is the label?  Below this "Japan 1934" and after this it has what I would bet almost anything on his is signature.  The weird thing is the 2 symbols inscribed on each side of the ball.  I had a Japanese collector tell me this is the symbol of the Order of the Golden Kite that was an elite clan/ninjas/whatever that served the Emperor of Japan.  It was dissolved in 1947 I think it was by the commander of the Japanese Allied Forces.  I mean I have seen thousands of baseballs and never seen anything like this.  Everyone I show it to freaks out and I am including collectors and some are thinking that it could be a one of a kind.  Might be worthy of posting on a major sports memorabilia or auction site.  

At 6:56pm on July 10, 2018, CuJo said…

Thanks for allowing me on this site and thanks for the message Christopher.  I just bought a Joe DiMaggio autographed photo from BOXSCORE.  I then read some of your articles as you know and immediately sent a message to them that when the item arrives I am probably going to return it.  I then got a long email from him that some sites are under litigation for false accusations against him and other new sports memorabilia authentication companies.  It was a long letter telling me he is an avid collector and that he would never sell a forgery.  With that being said, it sounds like you have no doubt about them?  

At 11:19am on January 31, 2013, Null said…

Chris can you please accept my request so I can send you a message. I have received a complaint about a fake Mantle I pointed out. 

At 7:51am on July 12, 2012, T M EVANS said…

Thanks for the heads up,but did you really have to post my pic and site? I had no idea....thanks

At 6:14pm on April 22, 2012, David Jackson said…

Hey CW.  I was wondering if you could please look at the Derek Jeter Autograph I listed and give me your opinion on it?  Thanks for your time!


At 8:18pm on December 22, 2011, CEE GEE said…
Happy Birthday Chris...A true hero in the war on fakes and forgeries...I personally owe so much to you because if it wasn't for you I may have never knew how bad the industry has been destroyed and corrupted....one of the greatest voices in the industry....my hats off to you for all your great and hard work you have put in over the years....Happy Birthday bro....many more happy holidays Chris...
At 6:55pm on December 22, 2011, Steve Cyrkin, Admin said…

Happy Birthday Chris Williams...one of the heroes trying to protect autograph collectors from forgeries.

At 4:50am on August 5, 2011, CEE GEE said…
hey Chris....when you get a chance check out my quick youtube video i put together on my page....also check the forum I posted on Ted Williams and Joe Dimaggio...those forgeries are insane !!!
At 6:26am on July 30, 2011, Tiger Lapointe said…
Hello good friend.   Glad to be here to offer my help in the fight against the bad guys!
At 1:38pm on July 20, 2011, CEE GEE said…
I have always loved your videos and i am now starting my own...i love your insight and i think on this site we all can help each other out on making a real purchase from a fake....but we may never win the battle of the dirt bag thieves out there...i applaud your work you put in over the years and because of  you which made me want to have a voice to be heard i want to help in the battle

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