Roger Maris Mantle Examples Of Signed/Forged Safe At Home Photo COA GFA Rocchi

The madness on Ebay never ends.

Even though Roger Maris passed away over 30 years ago, evidently there is a ring down in Florida that Roger is still signing for.

For the last six months, and out of the blue, we are seeing numerous Roger Maris autographed photos that are all "authenticated" by Stephen Rocchi and his Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators group.

I've been exposing the Ebay sellers who have been selling this crap to wannabe autograph collectors and suckers who believe that "Forensic" garbage.

It's always the same Ebay sellers who are listing and selling these laughable GFA-certed Roger Maris forgeries.

These are all obvious and laughable forgeries.

These laughable forgeries have all been penned in the last two years.

You have to be a scammer, moron or totally naive to buy or sell anything with a COA from GFA.

Those Ebay sellers are:

Ebay seller Gofsu2010

Ebay Seller Ranger191

Ebay seller Rbisportsinc

Ebay seller Cathy101970

Ebay seller Sportsstuff

Ebay Seller Stevew6

Ebay seller Alihamed51

Ebay seller Pan4life14

Ebay seller Dbvint123

Ebay seller Spanishcrown360

Here are examples of those laughable Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle forgeries authenticated by Stephen Rocchi and his Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators (also known as Guaranteed Fake Autograph).

Not only are these laughable Roger Maris forgeries, but they were probably penned during the last six months.

The Safe At Home image looks to be the most popular image to used by the forger.

I've also included some other examples of Mantle/Maris forgeries authenticated by GFA (Stephen Rocchi).

Make no mistake, these are all no-brainer forgeries and laughable.

The phots are basically copies produced on inkjet paper.

GFA is a joke.  We have yet to observe one authentic autograph with a COA from Rocchi and GFA.

Look at this laughable crap!!!

Tags: Roger Maris Forgery Sold By Ebay seller Stevew6 Ranger191 Gofsu2010 Rbisportsinc COA Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators Rocchi

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those are putrid, Chris.  absolutely putrid.  I assume these listings also have the added drama of shill bidding?

They sure do, Terrier.

Many of the auction-style listings wouldn't hit $250.00 without the employment of shill bidders by the sellers of GFA-certed forgeries of Roger Maris.


I just got into the hobby of collecting. I did buy some of these forged autographs not knowing the corruption that was out there. Luckily I caught onto it quickly as I was buying to build my Mancave. I see multiple guys selling these Mantle, Joe Dimmagio, etc. I have learned to stick with Steiner, PSA/DNA and UD. what can we do to put an end to this fraud? I mean making the casual buyer more aware. Seems like they really strike during the holiday season. I am willing to help out in anyway. Would love your input. Thank you guys for all that you do.


Mr. Khan, I hope you can get your money refunded from the sellers who sold you the forgeries you purchased.

Would you be able to post photos of your purchases?


Please call me Farhan. I will get those pictures posted. The guy did sell me one thing which was Steiner and is legit but the Mantle stuff is not. I really appreciate you getting back with me.

These are 3 of the pictures. Will upload more.
Attachments: No photo uploads here

Typical and mass-produced forgeries sold by AtAuction, Ubid and numerous Ebay sellers.

Farhan, did you purchase them from a particular Ebay seller?

Yes my friend. I purchased them through dcarlc. I reached out to him and told him my concern. We will be talking later this evening. I started purchasing from Steiner, UD, and PSA/DNA. Also fanatics. I refuse to buy from individuals anymore.

Farhan, how did come upon this website?

I came upon many of the same pictures and googled, Mantle Forgery and there were the forums. Started reading and saw many of yours with same pictures I had purchased. Stomach had a real bad feeling. I registered and Messaged you.

I'm glad you found us, Farhan.

I hope you can get your money refunded.


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