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I was reading another blog post last night concerning Derek Jeter signatures that are being claimed by a member on this site to not be authentic. I was born and raised in the Bronx NY and have been a Yankees fan since birth, i have also been obtaining autographs from the Yankees for the past 39 years needless to say I have amassed autographs from some of the greatest and toughest Yankees signers of all time including Derek Jeter who happens to be the biggest part of my personal collection.



Contrary to popular believe Derek Jeter is not that tough of an autograph to obtain and this is coming from someone who has gotten his autograph several dozen times. It is also a well known fact that Derek Jeter changes his signature very often (as you can see from the photo's I have posted) and he has admitted this in press and print. Derek also has a totally different signature when he signs for Steiner and Upper Deck than he does when he signs in person which can also be seen from my photo's since I have a couple of pieces that are Steiner and MLB Authenticated as well. I am also going to post photo's of Jeter signatures that are authenticated by JSA and Global Authentics that were also obtained in person. Is there differences in the signature? yes. Which is why if you have never obtained his signature in person you would not see how often he changes it up. It is very odd that a person or a few people would question his signature if you have never obtained it in person. It is very easy to go to the Steiner or upper Deck website and compare signatures however that is not realistic, you need to obtain it in person in order to see how often his habits change. I see a lot of people making comments of which I have never seen getting autographs from Jeter. Am i everywhere Jeter is when he signs? NO. However I have been attending Spring Training since 1995 and just returned from my yearly month long trip and just so happens I did not see any of the people on here that claim Jeter does not sign while i was in Tampa. Everyone has the right to think what they want and say what they want but when it come to making statements that are not true it becomes slander and to claim that all of the Jeter signatures posted in another blog on this site are not Authentic is pure false statements. I personally use Global Authentics to authenticate all of my signatures and I have never had a problem with their service, in fact I used JSA in the past as well and after reading all of the issues with the authentication process they use, the fact that they have been caught on video and News sources more than once authenticating fake signatures as well as the fact that James has provided false statements in the court of law I decided to reach out to Steve Sipe since he had taken over Global and cleaned things up, also due to the fact that he worked for Upper Deck and actually has a background in authentication i felt very comfortable with my move. I have never had an issue with Global, never had an issue with buying Global items and when it comes down to calling Global and asking to speak with Steve there is no problem getting him on the phone and he is very professional to speak with. I already know that there will be people on here with a negative comment which is fine everyone has the right to voice their opinion and no one has to agree with it, just like some may not agree with me I may not agree with you and that is our choice as Americans. Is their stuff on the market that Global may have made a mistake with? Yes there is, Is there stuff on the Market that JSA made a mistake with? Yes there is, Is there stuff on the market that PSA made a mistake with? Yes there is. So before everyone teams up on one guy or company realize that people are human and make mistakes. There is only 1 true way to know that you are getting an authentic signature and that is to get it yourself. To take the advise of a person or group of people that have never obtained that specific signature before is not really advise, this includes people that don't go out and get signatures period. It is very easy to sit around looking at signatures all day trying to figure out what is real and what is not real but to actually obtain it is a entirely different situation. Like I said prior I know I will be bashed by some for these statements and comments which is fine because that is how it is when a few people are trying to discredit another individual or have a hidden agenda. I would also like to point out Haulsofshame.com which also has some interesting PROOF/FACT's stated articles about JSA and PSA that not everyone wants people to see so before people take advise from 1 person or group of people trying to belittle 1company read what they say about them all then make your own educated choice because when it comes down to it everyone has the right to make their own choice and draw their own conclusions based on all of the evidence not just the trash talked about 1 company.

Views: 1889

Comment by Steve Zarelli on April 7, 2012 at 7:09pm

John or Carl or whomever..

I struggled through the long paragraphless manifesto, but I don't see the point. Certainly JSA and GA have authenticated real Jeters. From what I see above, they all look good.

Guess what? That doesn't change the fact the other thread is littered with highly suspect signatures that ALL HAVE THE SAME SUSPECT FLAWS. You state that Jeter's signature can vary widely. This is absolutely correct.

Yet, why do a handful of sellers have a never-ending inventory of Jeter "in-person" sigs that all look almost identical, all have the same odd characteristic? These suspect Jeters have none of the natural variation you would expect to see in authentic signatures. Just how do these sellers continuously have all these perfectly signed "in-person" Jeters? Please try something other than the lame "gifts to the grounds crew" hogwash.

What about the mountain of freaky Mariano Rivera signatures (with GA certs) sold by many of the same sellers? JSA or PSA would NEVER pass these gems. These are not isolated incidents. This joke of a signature style has been certed by GA and sold by the thousands.

When all else fails, I use common sense. I am a professional autograph authenticator and my area of specialty is space and aviation. If I saw a signature with the same strange characteristic coming from the same source in volume over a long period of time... guess what? I'd think something was very suspicious. And it wouldn't take me years to put the puzzle pieces together.

Using common sense again, I think you are either a shill here to do damage control and dirty the water with a diversion. Or maybe you are one of the sellers who has the never-ending inventory of these "in-person" Jeters (in addition to the never ending inventories of a lot of tough signers and nearly impossible multi-signed items). 

But maybe you are the in-person collector you claim to be. Then you have a very bad eye if you can't see the difference between the authentic exemplars you've posted and the suspect signatures posted in the other thread.

Steve Zarelli

Comment by Steve Zarelli on April 7, 2012 at 7:13pm

Call me Whacko (word of the day) but comparing these IP's to the GA examples in question that have been posted did Robert just prove Chris Williams' point?

You mean all the natural variation show here, and the total lack of variation on the other signatures... the mechanical repetitiveness that Chris noted?

Yes, it proved Chris's point.

Comment by Steve Cyrkin, Admin on April 7, 2012 at 10:31pm


Thanks for your post. You said something that shocked me:

"....the fact that James has provided false statements in the court of law ...."

Please tell us what you're talking about. I've never heard that.

Now I agree with what Mr Zipper pointed out: your saying that Jeter changes his signatures often seems to confirm Chris Williams' blog post, because he's showing all these GA Jeters that are so similar.

But that aside, something you said that I'm trying to understand is why you have to get someone in person to be able to authenticate them. Does that mean we can throw every Babe Ruth, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington out the window?

Comment by Carl Gudzic on April 8, 2012 at 5:54am

To cite our friend Harry's word of the day... Same 4-5 "whacko's" making all the comments and doing all the bashing. They must all congregate in Chris Williams' mothers basement on Friday and Saturday nights (who am I kidding, probably every night) and have a group orgy trying to dissect Derek Jeter autographs. 

Robert, I get your point - I've been seeing you down at Legends for years now and you've acquired an unbelievable collection of Yankees autograph... These guys who have never even gotten a Jeter autograph seem to associate Chris Williams to be a God of autograph verification and they are all his prophets. It's really quite pathetic that they just sit around their computers and wait for one of their buddies to make a comment so they can chime in. 

Steve Sipe is a true professional and has been that since the first time I ever submitted an item to Global Authentics. He treats his customers with respect and always makes himself available to his customers. Whereas we all know the good guys at PSA/DNA and JSA won't give you 5 seconds of their precious time. And to think that the PSA experts have to seclude themselves in a tent at a show so they don't have to deal with the customers is just unconscionable.

The worst part of this whole blog is that they (the same 4-5 people who always make their asinine comments) actually think that other people take the time to read this blog and value their comments prior to purchasing an autograph. I haven't read 1 comment from anyone other then the usual suspects who has come on here and inquired about a Jeter, Rivera, etc... autograph prior to purchasing it. So at the end of the day, what are they really trying to accomplish other then having an agenda which includes trying to bash Global Authentics and Steve Sipe?

I will be uploading some scans of Jeter signatures that I have obtained within the past few years that have been authenticated by Global Authentics/Steve Sipe at some point either later tonight or tomorrow. 

Happy Easter!

Carl G.

Comment by DB on April 8, 2012 at 6:25am

We did not find “Carl Gudzic”... must be an illegal immigrant or when his mother gave him "this name", so he claims a SSN went absent.

Either way, I'd suggest that our fearless leader issue the shot across the bow that noWayBoJ received just before he was banished from AML.

Comment by terrier8HOF on April 8, 2012 at 7:58am

not all of us have the time to spend hanging around waiting for celebs with the hope that we can get them to sign something. so if we are to be collectors, we have to rely on our own skills, developed over the course of time, with experiences good and bad.  As Zipper mentioned below, when you see one consistent style of autograph, sold in large quantities by the same sellers, certed by the same TPA, you cannot help but be suspicious.  yes, I have seen errors made by PSA, and JSA.  but they are not common, certainly not in the quantities we are discussing here.  in addition to the Rivera's and Jeter's mentioned in this discussion, I can add Tom Brady to the list of "questionable" autographs certed by Global, all the same style, and all forgeries, in my opinion.  

Comment by Steve Zarelli on April 8, 2012 at 4:24pm

I've seen personal attacks designed to impugn the credibility of long-time and trusted members of this community. Red herring diversions intended to make one believe that unless you are an "in-person" collector you are incapable of having a valid opinion. And glowing testimonials to the expertise and integrity of Steve Sipe.

Yet "Carl" and "Robert" have completely avoided addressing the issue at hand. I'll repeat it from a post below.

Why do a handful of sellers have a never-ending inventory of Jeter "in-person" sigs that all look almost identical, all have the same odd characteristic? These suspect Jeters have none of the natural variation you would expect to see in authentic signatures. Just how do these sellers continuously have all these perfectly signed "in-person" Jeters?

And how is it these strikingly similar signature styles almost always appear with a GA Cert?

Comment by Steve Cyrkin, Admin on April 8, 2012 at 4:57pm
Now I'm really shocked...Harry and I actually agree about something.
Comment by Carl Gudzic on April 9, 2012 at 5:17am

It's the same comments from the same 4-5 individuals day in and day out...

Same people claiming just about every autograph Global Authentics/Steve Sipe authenticates is a forgery...

Same people who have a picture up on their wall of Christopher Williams and view his opinions as the Word of the Lord...

Same people who have never gotten a Derek Jeter autograph (or they'd post their own exemplars and not copy and paste them from eBay, Steiner, etc.) but they continue to act as if their all modern geniuses by using the same terms ("pen flow", "slant", "mechanical", etc.) that the actual authenticators use on their LOA's...

Same people who literally sit around all day, every day and comment/blog/moderate this website for absolutely no compensation... I know the economy is bad but I'm sure some of these people could go out and get a minimum wage job (OK maybe not...) - it's got to be more lucrative then wasting their days away making no money and talking about what they believe are fake autographs.

We've got one guy on this website who claims "I've been watching one Ebay seller very closely over the past 18 months". He also notifies us all that he has "accumulated enough data to fill 50 pages of an 8X11 book"... Really? Get a life and then go get a real job. How could someone possibly have that much time on their hands? That is absolutely pathetic!

I'd also like to mention that this same person who just so happens to moderate certain threads on this website, for the most part, refuses to post any comments made by someone other then his clique of prophets that counteract what he/they believe...

On April 4th I responded to a comment that Christopher Williams made on another thread on this website. Here are the two comments, first the comment Christopher Williams made and then my follow-up, which of course, he refused to post on the thread because it went against what he believes:

Christopher Williams comment:

First of all, Mr. Grudzig, if you're going to use the word coward (like you did in your first post), maybe you should use your real name.  Why are you hiding behind a fictitious name?

Secondly, what threats have I made here?  

Third, are you calling Steve Sipe an expert?  Are you telling me that because his title is Director Of Authentication, that Steve Sipe is an expert?   Are you saying that because I don't work for an authentication company, that I cannot possibly know certain autographs?

Are you also saying that you agree with Steve Sipe's expert examination that the Derek Jeter autographs that I have posted here are all authentic?

You are obviously upset with this thread, Mr. Grudzig.  For all I know, maybe you're one of the sellers on Ebay that is selling the Derek Jeter autographs that I have posted here.

You're passive attacks on what I do with my time are interesting; what does what I do with my timehave anything to do with this thread?

This thread is about one thing.  It's about Global Authentics (Steve Sipe) authenticating these Derek Jeter autographs that I have posted here. 

One glaring observation, Mr, Grudzig, is that you have yet to come out and write that these Derek Jeter autographs are authentic.

My response to his comment:

Mr. Williams,
I do apologize, I didn't mean to say "threats", I meant to say "threads". If you read in context you should have understood what I was trying to say.

I do know that Steve Sipe has a lot more credibility in this business then you have as he did work for Upper Deck for many years and witnessed hundreds of signings from many of the worlds best known athletes. Director of Authentication, expert, whatever you prefer, I do believe he has a lot more experience then you, me or anyone else who has made any comments on this thread. All you have is a couple of people (mind you out of 2,400+) on this blog that sip your Kool Aid and make you think that you really are an expert.
I believe that many of the Derek Jeter autographs that you commonly refer to as fake are actually genuine DJ autographs as I have obtained several autographs from Jeter myself that look strikingly similar to the ones you keep referring to as fake. Now with that being said, that natural colored Louisville Slugger bat looks nothing like anything I have ever received from Jeter...

I actually haven't sold an autograph on eBay in over a year so while you are naturally a free slinger of accusations - you're wrong on that one.

Christopher, I'm not passively attacking you... I made a general statement that you have way too much time on your hands, blogging/moderating on this website all day and night and all for no compensation. I can't even begin to fathom the fact how anyone who actually works a full time job (maybe you don't) could put this much time and effort into something that is an opinion based forum and not get paid for it.

I firmly believe based on autographs that I have personally received from Derek Jeter himself that the majority (nothing is ever 100% in life) of the Jeter autographs you categorize as fake, are actually genuine/authentic Derek Jeter autographs...

For the record, you still didn't answer a couple glaring questions I asked your earlier; What qualifies you to be a self-proclaimed expert on Derek Jeter autographs? How many times have you obtained in person autographs from Mr. Jeter?

All in all, if anyone on here decides to go against anything the usual suspects state in their comments, it's probably not going to get posted... They've got no problem bashing Global Authentics/Steve Sipe but when somebody calls them out they refuse to comment. These guys have all this time to comment on here yet they don't even have the balls to post a comment by someone else that goes against their accusations... Pathetic!
Comment by Steve Cyrkin, Admin on April 9, 2012 at 9:05am


I was joking with you, but I don't mind at all when someone has a different opinion than I do.


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