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Celebrity Book Signings: Opportunity Lost!

I have always enjoyed celebrity book signings. It is the simpliest and most guaranteed way to obtain an autograph. In the real world of collecting autographs, there isn't often much that is a sure thing, but attending a celeb's book signing is as close as it is ever going to get. In this world we live in of fans wanting autographs, very tough economics, and the cancer of fake signatures over taking collectability, I simply cannot understand why a celebrity will not allow one item of memorabilia to be signed, at a book signing.

Don't give me this hogwash that it slows down a line. It doesn't. Photographs, slow down a line. Silly stories told by star struck fans or personal stories shared by the celebrity to every Tom, Dick and Harry waiting for a signed book slows down a line. 20 minutes plus for press photo's and lengthy press interviews slow down a line. Having each fan bring just 1 item per that person (not 1 item per purchased book, 1 item per person) would have little effect upon a line, if coordinated correctly and efficiently. Further, it sends a message that the celeb is not just there to sell books, that perhaps, just perhaps, they really do care about their money spending and time taking fans that are attending.

Elton John, Brian May, Gene Simmons, Carlos Santana, Angus Young and a few others have all done in store public book signings where they allowed anywhere from 1 item of memorabilia per book, or 1 item of memorabilia per person (no matter how many books perchased). This not only shows the care and generosity of a celebrity and backs up the fact when an artist says they really are thankful for their fans, it also puts a MAJOR dent in the area of fake autographs.

Pat Benatar just completed a book signing tour that took her to over 25 cities across the country. Because of her pathetic policy (and many others just like her) of NO MEMORABILIA signed at book signings, though fans did walk away with a signed book, she could of took a major step in combating fake signatures, if any, that are currently being sold under her false signature. She choose instead, to not be part of the solution. Yes I know it is her right to set all the terms of her book signings, but gimmie a break. If someone doesn't try something, if no one celeb steps up, and if these celebs don't help us fans fight this battle, these bogus signatures currently for sale are going to overtake honest collectability. Think about that.

Think about this too. Though celebrity autographs may not be important to you (should you not be a person inside of that kind of circle), how about if that $250.00 you spent on that fine Italian hand bag was a $10.00 fake. Or next time your at The Getty Museum you discovered that the paintings you spent all day admiring were all reproductions. Or the used car you bought your kids to drive was at the bottom of the Mississippi River during hurricane Katrina because the salesman lied to you. Think about it. Now, how would you feel if you were the one that got ripped off, duped, had the wool pulled over your eyes, and no one was doing anything about it.

Pat Benatar is not alone and should not be the only one pointed out. However as the current trend with celebrity book signings is "though they love their fans and are so thankful, ....sorry, but only books being signed", continues, thieves and bandats are stealing the hard earned money that fans are spending all in blind faith at what is a very well disguised but totally phoney autograph, percieved to be authentic.

I may not know the perfect way, or even if there is a perfect way, to combat this war of fake and bogus autographs. However, Pat Benatar, Don Felder, Jaime Lee Curtis, Ozzy Osborne, and all the rest of these celebs that promote their books with in store signings could (just could) put thier money where their mouth is and show us fans that they really do appreciate us fans and it isn't about always the money by simply signing 1 lousy piece of memorabilia, just 1 lousy piece, at their book signings. Anything less is simply smoke being so blown up my back side and yours.

Views: 1175

Tags: autographs, benatar, books, curtis., fakes, felder, pat, photographs, signings

Comment by Robert Babb on September 5, 2010 at 7:04am
I went to a michael reagan book signing a few years back and he signed my book. I thought i would see if he would sign a couple note cards for a friend and he did so even though people helping him did not seem to like it. It just makes me think like you think that they could sign one piece free! This would be something that every one could live with and the celebrity would not lose that much money!
Comment by Herman Darvick on September 5, 2010 at 7:29am
I have a feeling that only signing the book is the rule of the bookstore and has nothing to do with the signer. Robert said: "I thought I would see if he would sign a couple note cards for a friend and he did so even though people helping him did not seem to like it. The bookstores have to alter their rules a bit. I bet that if it were publicized that the signer would sign one other item brought in by the customer per book purchased, many, many more books would be bought and the bookstore would be very, very happy,
Comment by Stephen Duncan on September 5, 2010 at 8:47am
Elton John did a signing at Tower Records years back when his CD "Made In England" was released. The rules stipulated that 1 item of memorabila per CD purchased up to 5 CD's total. Guess how many people were buying 5 CD's? Its a no brainer................
Comment by Lee Cochenour on September 5, 2010 at 8:06pm
This is definitely not the fault of the bookstore. They only enforce the rules that the author, author's people, and/or the publisher set for the signing. Having worked a great many of these events, we have to stick the the rules they set up. For a great resource for celebrity booksignings, check out:
Comment by Herman Darvick on September 6, 2010 at 7:46am
Thanks for your comment, Lee, and especially the link.
Comment by scott on September 10, 2010 at 2:26pm
I could have got Lady Gaga's Autograph outside the Louvre Museum in Paris. She was signing autographs at a book store nearby. Unfortunately, I did not know who she was at the time. I am a fan of anyone who is compared with Axl Rose.
Comment by Josh Board on September 10, 2010 at 3:06pm
I know that Border's bookstores (the one in SD) used to tell the celebrities "we hate to make people ONLY have the new book signed, because what if it's a college student or something, that brings an old book they have, or a CD." So, if they see someone with 20 8x10s, they say only a few. And, this usually gets other things signed or books purchased the person hadn't planned to buy.
Comment by Stephen Duncan on September 11, 2010 at 5:15am
Just a thought (but what the heck do I know):
I am going today to get Jamie Lee Curtis's autograph at a bookstore in Irvine, Ca. The rules state NO MEMORABILIA. This is the 3rd stop on a 7 city signing tour. My guess is, JLC wants to sell books. If she/they/them (or whoever is running the town) would post "1 piece of memorabilia only, per every (lets say) 3 books purchased" they just might actually (now stay with me on this one) ...............sell more books.
Comment by ndk on July 16, 2014 at 2:16am

Ok This is a tough one...I have been to many book signings as a media type person....The publicists set the policy not the artist, when you get to the artist you can say whatever you like.... for example tony bennet and KD lang wered doing a cd signing I bought a Cd stood in line when I got to the table I asked Tony to sign a ticket from his concert (no problem) and his book of paintings he was chuffed.

I asked Michael pailin to sign my autograph book as I was a student and had zero cash, he did but not sure he was happy????

where people get upset is signing a guitar, santana knows this is worth $2000, or a drumhead from a drummer...it is a total catch 22 situation.

simple soloution  Santana should sell signed guitars on his website people will pay the money...these guys need to get with the times. Imagine if Mccartney sold signed hofner bass on his website it wouldnt be worth the forgers time you could buy directlly from the artist...

I think they just dont get it.....if you are worried they are gonna sell it on ebay do what bonnie raitt does ask the persons name and personalise it.

Leonard cohen signed for me and the first thing he asked me was is it for me and I said it was and could he personalise it and his whole attitude changed it took him five minutes to write the wholse inscription and it is a kick ass signature....

not sure if this helps


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