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Hello All,

I somehow convinced myself to purchase a Slash autographed epiphone AFD guitar.   So i would like to conduct a quick poll:  Which if these guitars contains the best purchase based on the actual signature and trust in seller?

1) https://www.ebay.com/itm/Slash-Guns-Roses-GNR-Limited-Signed-Signat...

2) https://www.ebay.com/itm/SLASH-SIGNED-LES-PAUL-SPECIAL-II-EPIPHONE-...

3) https://www.ebay.com/itm/SLASH-GUNS-N-ROSES-SIGNED-EPIPHONE-AFD-GUI...

4) https://www.ebay.com/itm/Slash-Autographed-Guitar-EPIPHONE-LES-PAUL...

5) https://www.ebay.com/itm/SLASH-SIGNED-EPIPHONE-AFD-ELECTRIC-GUITAR-...

Thanks in advance!

Tags: guns, n, roses, slash

Views: 512

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Authenticity aside (given), the limited one 33/100 sold on his site seems the best to me with large clear signature - also does not have a vandalistic sticker.

thanks, what do you mean by vandalistic sticker?  

Hello, some of those, one anyway, has a certification sticker (the thing that is supposed to "mean" it is "real") on the side of the guitar body. These are also applied to photographs etc. I hate them. Not only vandalism - but free advertising! They also give a false sense of security - many people think if it has a striker is PROVEN genuine and that is simply not true. 

BTW, I was just trying to answer your question as asked - if Slash is putting out 15 limited editions a year than I reserve my answer! ;)

I hate the PSA stickers since I'm not a believer that they are experts in music autographs but if it were me I like #5 the best. #1 is my second choice.

I liked #5 but thought the bookmatching a tiny bit distracting. I also (personal preference) liked the sig placement on #1. #5 is very symmetrical, almost sterile and the OP was asking about presentation or appearances - at least that is how I took it. 

Ah yeah I see that. #1 is super nice. 

Love #1!

If interested, here’s my little GNR display. It pales compared to that cool guitar, but still... :-)


thanks for all of your insight, much appreciated!  I will be pushing to get #1.   


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