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Tags: depp, genuine, johnny, opinion, real

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Signed the 19 july 2013 in Berlin

Someone can help me ?

I'm not sure anyone can offer a definitive opinion on something that simplistic.  Looks like an especially bad example if authentic.

ok thank you

My first instinct is that it might be okay, but it's like a really rushed one.  Might be problematic is you ever want to resell it, even if you get it from a rock solid source.

it's from a ebay german business seller, signed at the berlin premiere of the lone ranger, there is a lot of people when it sign so maybe...

When I get home, I'll ask my friend what she got - she actually went to that same premiere as part of a Disney contest and got an autograph from Depp, too.

ok thank you very much

On first look it looks okay but looking again it looks a little shaky. My gut feeling is not authentic

Here's what my friend got at the same premiere.

ok, so maybe i'm gonna make a psa quick opinion

Yours is much more typical Rich


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