Are JSA & PSA taking longer and longer to do authentications?

Are JSA & PSA taking longer and longer to do authentications?

I have been using JSA as a preferred authentication service for the past few years, but I am noticing they are taking an exorbitantly long time to complete.   For exanple nearly four weeks ago I sent in two three stooges autographs, and the last two weeks I keep getting "they are being worked on".     Monday it will be four weeks since they've had them, so I checked for a status today. And again, same "they are being worked on".   I don't get it?   I use to think PSA got slower and slower , so then they could charge you more to so-call "expedite" the process. 

I have several pieces I need certs for but am really leery abut tying up for several weeks.

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The last couple of items that I sent to PSA were acknowledged as received 5/10 and sent back to me on 5/19. They were items I knew would pass. It could be different if something is a little more complex. The longer it takes, the more I would worry about the dreaded "we are unable to determine" letter and you get a voucher for future services.

Yeah I am not sure what is going on over there.  They use to finish in ten days or less.  But the last two I have sent was like this, about a month, after me bugging them about it.   I would rather them NOT authenticate it than fail it due to lack of expertise/knowledge like other authentication services do.

I like JSA because I find they are more thorough with their analysis, whereas I get the feeling PSA usually goes to one guy and if he gets a "doesn't feel right" feeling, they fail it, instead of seeking two or more higher level experts or "opting out".   Based on my own experience with PSA on non-sports autographs, I dread having to send to them .  But I may have to bite the bullet as they are the only other game in town.  And I cannot afford to tie up pieces for a month.   Particularly high-end items.


I also believe this is the case right now with PSA I don't know why but a friend sent an item (music) there and it's going on 2 months I understand it take awhile and shipping times being outside of the Usa but still. At the moment I Would advise against submitting to psa if your expecting it back fast

  I guess not too many options right now...

JSA is doing more and more shows lately and doing more " in store" authentication events. I deal with Jimmy III and I had a few pieces that I sent to him and I thought it took a little longer than normal. That's what I was told. Then I started noticing more and more events they were doing. If there are any big shows nationwide they may have a ton of people attending.

I'm on one of the forums at PSA and we do mass submissions every few months of 500 pieces or more and some times it takes a couple months before we get our items.

Thanks for that info David...  this liability of having to tie up items, especially high end pieces is definitely a deterrent for many , including myself to use either of these services.   Frankly I would rather seek out the specific experts.  For example, if i have a Disney I'm not going to send it to JSA or PSA, I sending to Phil Sears.   I just acquired an exceptional Beatles piece and having it tied up at one of these places for a month or more just creates a natural high level of anxiety....   I need to find other options to authentication.   In the case of the Beatles, maybe I'll just send the Beatles directly to Roger.

Kevin, my experience has only been with football and baseball items.  I have no experience in any other fields. 

  I think they usually go to outside "experts" for non-sports ..  Tom Kramer is their vintage Hollywood guy. He's very good.

do you think psa bought their way on to the pawn stars show in order to promote the company and their services? i've noticed steve grad is appearing on the show quite frequently lately


I don;t know.  But Pawn Stars casting director contacted me about three weeks ago after she visited my website.    A date of taping tentatively scheduled for week of June 23rd.  But , based on experience with other shows contacting me, you have to take these with a grain of salt....

PSA for me takes about 4 to 6 weeks to get something back, with really no customer service or follow up what so ever.  

JSA on the other had - I got my 2 Elvis Presley's back after 7 days and got great customer service that it arrived and that they were going to take a look at it.  That is sending down to JSA FL.

So - JSA wins hands down in my book.


 Maybe I should try the FL office?  Thanks for that.     I am really surprised at the relatively lack of customer service at the NJ office.   They use to be really good, so not sure what is going on there..?  The lady in that office has not even responded to my last two emails. 


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