Ebay autograph forger BLAKEHOUSECARDS changed his name to TOPPSBAZOOKA and is still on Ebay selling fake autos

I acknowledged this scammer back in Feb of 2022 when I had asked him about a Robbie Ray autograph he was selling and where he got it. He told me he had to relist it for some reason - then I found I was blocked. Turns out it was fake and he was selling HUNDREDS of fake autographs.

At that time he was known as SCGCARDSALES. After I outed him on several sports cards websites, he changed his name to BLAKEHOUSECARDS. I outed him on the same websites and he took all his cards down.

He is back up with yet a new name TOPPSBAZOOKA.

Please be aware of this scammer. It's seriously wrong that Ebay allows these people to just change their name when they're outted.

This is a guy who sold two fake Buster Posey autographs to some unspecting guy FOR ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. So he took two Topps Posey cards worth about a quarter, forged Buster's name on there and made one thousand dollars.

It's these people that make it hard for real autograph sellers and for unsuspecting autograph buyers who don't understand how these scammers just selling hundreds of fake autographs.

Here is the fake Robbie Ray he had up (he took it down after I exposed him):

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