i have a autographed dealer plate my father in law got from his sisters boyfriend.His name is brad McDonald .his father at the time was the mayor of hickory n.c.i'm including pictures of the letter that brad McDonald sent as well as pictures of the plate.my father in law passed away 9 months ago and my mother in law found this plate and was asking about how to authenticate it and its worth.i told her she is not selling it but she said she would still like to now its value.any help would be appreciated
Brandon Maysinger is THE MAN when it comes to NASCAR authentication. If he sees this post he will definitely be able to tell if it is authentic/estimated value.
It is authentic. It would cost you $$$$ to get it "Authenticated" at a outfit like psadna.com or james spence authentication. Do not see the need for authentication of a authentic piece with provenance if you are not selling it,But to each there own. Dale was a prolific signer both thru the mail and inperson. Value would be $200-$300.