Got my Dee Snider signed mic yesterday. My cousin in Canada got his today. People I spoke to online did not receive their COAs or Photo of Dee signing them as it says in the description for the pledge. Contacted PledgeMusic and they said they would get back to us
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Can't believe it!!!!!
Just got an email back from PledgeMusic

Hello William,

Thank you for your patience here! The Dee Snider Team will be sending the COA out separately. Additionally, you can expect the photos of Dee signing the mics to be emailed to you.

I will keep you updated once I have confirmation that these have been sent.

They ran into trouble with the Scott wieland loud mics, saying thay were stage used and they weren't, i wouldn't expect anymore from the company other than bs.
The Dee Sider ones said they were new
I'll see what happens I'll keep on top of them if they don't come through
They just sent the pics of the signing Great!!!! Next. Wait on the COA


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