Rogue One / Chirrut Imwe ultimate fans only!

Long before eBay became the platform for criminals and used for stealing people's money and crushing their dreams, I used to travel the world to meet my heroes. I had been brought up on them as a little kid. Watching them on VHS tapes and even though I was a fan of Sly, Arnie and Van Damme, my real passion and real interest was in Asian cinema. Since the first day I had pocket money, I was collecting martial art tapes and later DVDs. It was all I wanted to spend it on.

By 2002, having amassed a collection of a few thousand movies from the whole Asian cinema market, I started to go out and hunt down my icons. The ones I really loved, including Donnie Yen who I have followed since 1984 when I was only 10 years old!

I was the first person in the whole world to start doing signings with the cast that fought with Bruce Lee and to this day I don't think there are many that have met a dozen of the cast of Bruce Lee movies. A few years later the Comic Cons followed suit, copied me and next thing you know Jim and Bob were popping up at shows. Back when John only signed 'A Nightmare on Elm Street', Westerns and various other old films he had starred in, he suddenly started getting asked for 'Enter the Dragon' prints.

I believe I was the first person in the west to appreciate his style and more than a decade ago when I was raving about Donnie, people used to make fun of me. Until he started breaking through and now suddenly people know who Donnie is. I have met Donnie close 20 times over the years and have been even invited to three of his events in Cannes, including after parties plus events in four separate countries. I have always found him to be the master of all masters and especially after all these years, he has been the nicest star you could ever meet.

I have no interest in Felicity Jones and Daisy Ridley. They are not actors to me. My taste is more that of a real skill, a real master. One that creates something special like Donnie and even though Hollywood betrayed him time and time again and he quit, he was finally offered a role that suits him. He was asked to become a blind samurai (kind of) warrior and I believe he is the best thing in that movie.

Harvey Weinstein has tried for many years to bring him back but Donnie was not a fan of being the 'Asian villain' in a Western film. Instead he decided to focus on Hong Kong cinema. 'Ip man' made him big once again but long before this he was the best martial artist and for me, 'Iron Monkey' to this day is still unbeatable.

You may ask why I feel the need to write this. Back in the day, I was the first to have signed items on my website of the most iconic Asian cinema stars and I was the first to have stock of the best martial artists on the planet. Well, once again I have something for the ultimate Donnie fan. If you are as big fan as I am and you want to get an amazing signed item, not like the usual ones you see on eBay, then let me know.

Some people will jump on the band wagon and try and fake or copy the proper Donnie memorabilia, but for now only two people have managed to get this quality product. Trolls will copy, fakers will fake and others will follow and ask and get what I have. As you all know, eBay is full of Donnie fakes, mixed in with the real autographs and people are watching and waiting to copy anyone with the fresh idea.

I am sorry for the long dialogue but I have no interest in feeding the fakers new ideas. This is meant for the super Donnie fans and if that's you, reach out to me as I have something you might want to buy (and no not his head from Blade - that's mine to keep always!)

Jason Thanos
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