Here is a SAmmy Davis Jr I just picked up  it came with the original R&R enterprises bill of sale any opinions please! Thanks to all who reply!

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IMHO this Sammy signature does not look like published authentic examples of his signature.

Do you know what the provenance of the signature is?


I agree with Bob Shinn.
yes I do Bob its a well respected auction house, I wont name names till I get some other responses.

Sounds good Louie....


I don't like it Louie.

With Bobby L 's permission I am posting the invoice while he looks into it!

Thanks Mr L!

Here is second page of invoice



The Sammy Davis you purchased recently from Lee is certainly "not authentic" according to our in-house authenticators.  I searched through our archives for the January 1991 catalog and I was unable to locate a copy.

These were pre-scanner days for RR and no digital copy exists.  Fortunately, there are many clients that save our catalogs and I will get my hands on one to confirm that indeed that this is the Sammy we sold to Lee.

In the meantime, if you would ask Lee to contact me, we can at least begin the process of refunding your purchase price of the Sammy Davis.




Great Job .........

Bobby, you restored my faith in your company by the way you handled this situation for Louie.

Kudos to you and your in-house Authenticators....


Bob Shinn

Mr Shinn,


Thank you for the kind comment.


RR Auction has a corporate vision with company values that has everyone here focused on doing the right thing the right way.





Thanks BL email sent to you both, I too was looking for old catalogs from you I have several but it was pre(easy and neat way to do things)



I've already sold this signed lp, but this is signed in person. Don't remember year, but about in 1990.


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