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Steve asked me to start a new thread since some were having a lot of issues with regards to whether or not the through the mail autographs of Jerry Lee Lewis are real or not.  I will post some examples of what we have been getting recently and some know in person examples.   These TTM signatures are not cheap.  You have to pay $50 for them to his box office box.  The question is are they real or not.  Roger has said that he has never seen Mr. Lewis sign this way and it looks to perfect - like a woman's signature.  

Please post your thoughts here and examples.



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What is that on??  Pants??


It's on the inside of a vintage jacket. It is on ebay UK I believe.
Mrs. JLL posted the following on facebook and I thought a few of you might be interested. Also, I finally finished reading the Rick Bragg bio of Jerry Lee and learned a lot about the man. JLL is one of a kind and gas been on a heck of a trip since 1950 or so.

As we all have gotten older jll s autographs have changed just a little. But he sees all requests and he gets the money handed to him..past 5 years....and he reads who they are to and i read the letters if he does not have glasses handy.....puts a smile on his face....really ...
Like · 6 · More · Feb 16 at 1:30pm

Does she have her own facebook page or is it under JLL?

Take that with a grain of salt. It's not like she's going to come out and say "JLL does not read any of his mail, he is sick of fanmail. In fact, i sign them all for him and take the money!

Has anyone mailed to JLL lately for an update?  I think the 100.00 price tag may keep some folks from doing so.

This is an in person autograph Dennis quaid and Jerry probably doesn't help at all.

I'm not sure what you mean by that?  JLL looks good to me.

I agree - the Jerry Lee looks good to me.


Did you get his in person yourself, Paul?

No Chad. I did a search on the forum for ebay seller bbauthenticated ebay seller in Canada and people said they sold genuine items. I was looking at Beatles and this record popped up.

I see. Thanks.


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