I have learned so much about Mickey's autograph from people on this forum. I have been able to avoid wasting a lot of $$$$ by learning what to watch out for. It is much appreciated.

Here are two different signatures that I am having trouble with and I would appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance!

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In my opinion both these signatures look authentic 

They are authentic in my opinion. Obviously, the second one is a notarized signature.

2nd is no question authentic, I do not like the top one IMO.

I am also concerned about the first one. the "antle" looks off.

both look good to me

First one....NO GOOD

Second one...AUTHENTIC

the more I look at the first one, the more I see how it could be bad.  The "n" looks wrong and so does the "k".  Certainly not an obviously bad one for me but tricky; looks good at first glance.  If you are choosing between the two, definitely get the last one.  Awesome looking signature.

Thanks for the opinions everybody. I wasn't sure if notarized signatures could be trusted or not. I thought it was legitimate. The first one I was very unsure about. It has both positive and negative characteristics. It might pass authentication but I would still question it. Thanks again.


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