Can someone please give me there opinions on these ebay accounts. Hopefully I will get a response.

Upon doing ebay searches for autographs to add to my collection I am very upset when I search and find item after item that are gai and what do you know a lot of these sellers have a ton of quantity. Can someone check these account out and let me know what they think.




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Replies to This Discussion

James, DB, Rick:

Ideally DSC/Trout, etc. should have been a different discussion and and maybe from this point forward it should be. Most of all, though, I'm a bit lost and I think others may be, too. Has anyone done solid, extensive comparisons of Trout and other autographs being offered by DSC (and Mayes) and compared them to known private signing autographs from the same period with solid provenance? If so, can you post comparisons? I know you're posting examples, but things are hard to follow.


Probably should b

although I'm able to follow the 2 different themes and perhaps both themes are not relative to this subject area.

Dear Steve Sipe, My blind friend if you believe anything that is on the accounts of right coast collectibles or dirty-water-ink is real you are out of your mind. If you truely believe that everything this idiot has is real; you pal are an idiot and a major part of the problem, you need to fire yourself not the person who certed the jeters. From what is said you have never got a real autograph in person so how can you sit behind that computer and tell us collectors what is real and what isnt when you have no idea yourself. Thats like p****** on my back and saying its raining. Just cause your an idiot does not mean the rest of the collectors universe is nor should we have to deal with your lack of ability to authenticate or better yet not authenticate something that is a blatent forgery. These two accounts will single handedly be the reason for the demise of your company if this outragueos authentication does not stop. How can every item be a big ticket item and dual signed or team signed by the starts of the team, and someone not ask this person how they manage to only get the best and multiples of them this is beyond me. So as you sit behind that computer and spill stupidity i have helped do your job and enclosed a few outstanding forgeries that your company authenticated


Do yourself a favor and look closely at these items that YOUR company authenticated and you will see why all the collectors have such an issue with your company who ever the forger is they are good but not that good.

Right Coast collectibles

180910510014, 180979688398, 180990984839, 180979689478, 180975880465, 180928715624, 180982542096, 


150740068863, 130648927107, 140704861344, 130791017147, 130603039888, 140686792625 (and this guy is dead some nerve) Every college item is no good.

This is just a few i could sit here all day and show the garbage that is getting authenticated by your company and you directly. but i dont have days and days on end to sit here and point out the 300 bad items on dirty water ink that you yourself have authenticated

Mr. Pulanski,

For someone like you to post such garbage about me it is obvious that you know nothing about me. Not only did I work for Reggie Jackson in the mid eighties helping to bring autographed items of Mark McGwire, Jose Canseco, Wally Joyner and Walt Weiss to the market through our exclusive deal with them but I also ran all the Athlete Relations for Upper Deck/UDA from 1992-2003 and witnessed more autographs being signed than you and your group of forger friends in LA will ever see in all of your lifetimes.

It is really interesting that you actually admit that you went to Spring Training for 22 days and only acquired 1 autograph which is absolutely impossible for anyone to do unless they were hiding from athletes as they are very willing signers at spring training.

Since it is well known that Mr.Crykin offers safe harbor to anyone willing to offer their opinion against our company it does not surprise me that he lets a person like yourself that has a chip on his shoulder sign up under a fake name and post this BS as you have done. On the other hand, if you were to come on here against PSA or have a differing opinion to his, not only would your identity be checked but your posts would also be taken down.

Your two posts on this site that coincide with "Roy"Manzo" who is another fake name, just go to show how totally out of control the content that is allowed on this site continues to flourish as long as you are on "Team Cyrkin's" side of the fence.
I agree. If you don't have the stones to stick your real name on something then you shouldn't post.

These guys that are doing these are two separate groups that we busted up and they have come here to retaliate now in this manner. Since Steve Cyrkin is not going to do anything about it and is actually part of the problem I am going to deal with this on my own. These scumbags are in Florida and LA and between the lot of them have a few brain cells to rub together.

I know where they live and know who the ring leaders are and will take this to another level since Steve is obviously not going to.

Rick, When I first saw this Post by Pulansky I was thinking is this THE Rudy Pulanski, The capital investment (Hedge Fund) Broker? Or was it to be Roman Pulanski the film Director? Which ever is the case it does seem like these posts were made in retaliation of some sort posted with a fake name.


Please be honest. Isn't this what really happened?

  • You wrote me about Rudy Pulanski and Roy Manzo on Monday.
  • I wrote you back right away Monday asking for their real names.
  • When I didn't hear back from you, I wrote you again on Tuesday asking for their real names, so I could confirm they were who you said they were.
  • You responded with the information on Tuesday, and I started looking into them, which is ongoing.
  • In the meantime, I wrote you last night, with a suggestion: What if we required verified identities on serious posts and comments about GA, both positive and negative?
  • You replied with a scathing email a few hours ago, furious that my suggestion included asking for verified identities of positive posts and comments about GA, too. Your email started with this: "Funny thing is that I was told that you would pull some kind of scam like this. Lets see, anyone who wants to post positive things about a company that you hate must prove their identity?"

So to sum it up, I respond to you immediately, ask you for more info (twice before you reply), start looking into it AND also offer a solution that will end anonymous posts and comments about Global Authentication for good.

What do I get in return? Slammed by you and lied about...again.

Please explain.

Perhaps I should post the entire email exchange, without the email from you with their names, since I am still investigating them to confirm their identities and your claims about them.

certainly seems to diffuse the harbor master conspiracy although if you set that solution in motion for GA then it has to be set in motion for any other establishment that sells or any other seller for that matter to be fair and level the playing field.

Then where are we; back to what the rules thread, long overdue, many suggestions that remain unimplemented.  Odd, how we seemingly end up back there.

although u might also include the mike s blog on greatbuyautographs into the mix with Rudy Pulanski.

I agree with that, combine the 2 threads together since they seem to all be posted by the same person anyway.

We can't combine discussions, just move them to different categories. Our platform doesn't have that flexibility.


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