Hello Everyone


My name is Joshua Windon, and I wanted to see if I could ask for some help. I have recently taken a great interest in MMA competition and am looking to build a collection of fighters autographs through the mail. I woudl really appreciate it if anyone out there could share any successes that they have had in this area as well as the addressed that were used.


Thank you


Joshua Windon

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Hey what's up Russ, big fan of MMA too, I have had success with Matt Lindland, Randy "The Natural"Couture, Dan Severn, "El Guapo" Bas Rutten and "The Predator" Don Frye. I also saw Tim "the Mainiac" Silvia in person and he was really nice. Was Lucky enough to get Severn by mail and in person on a ring worn glove, and he showed me some moves, great experience. The addresses I used were used so long ago I don't even remember where I sent them, got them close to four years ago. Since than, I haven't been able to find any addresses that work. I have many magazines, Tapout, UFC, etc, and they have great pics I would like to send out and get signed, but don't know where to send them.
Thank you for the Fanmail.biz info, it has helped me out a lot
Just got a success from Dana White - UFC President. Sent his own envelope, signed 8x10, two UFC stickers, and 2 UFC DVDs! Also sent a nice letter apologizing for the delay (only took 4 weeks).

Dana White
c/o UFC
P.O. Box 26959
Las Vegas, NV. 89126-0959
Dana sent me the same thing and a letter because he said the mail was in a box he found in his office, but I wrote to him over four years ago
do you know what address to use for georges st. pierre, sent out a couple letters, but want to make sure I have the right address, have a lot of letters sent out right now to MMA fighters, but would love to get more, have had a lot of success from Fanmail.biz
That would be awesome. Do you charge per auto?? How do you go about getting them??

Anyone had a recent success?  I am looking for addresses for obscure early UFC fighters like Paul Varelans, Steve Beneteau, Mark Hall, Cal Worsham, Zane Frazier, etc.


I contacted Alan Belcher through his gym

3179 Mallett Rd
Suite 21
D'iberville, MS 39532
United States
I look for him to have a strong next twelve months.

I am looking for an Anderson Silva autograph, I really like the look of the glove or the belt autographed but my problem is I don't really know an authentic signature to compare what I find against it. If anyone knows of a legitimate seller or is selling their Anderson Silva autograph or has an authentic signature it would be great to see.

csc memorabilia is a great resource. They have a forum or blog with a nice demonstration of authentic examples of the Silva autograph.

Thanks, it's good to know because there is a decent amount of his autographs out there but they all looked different to me.


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