Hello all, I was directed here from the Authenticity Opinions main board. I'm looking for a general opinion on the card that I have attached a picture of below. I will now copy and paste what I had originally posted over there:

I obtained this fairly recently for a low gamble, high reward price at a very popular and trustworthy local antique store. Sure, it had the "it's too good to be true" factor associated with it, but as a card collector, it really caught my eye and I thought it was beautiful. Upon my own inspection, I saw a few things that checked out with the signature, but one thing that was questionable, that being where the "Y" in Payne connects to the "N". It just seemed like an awkward connection. Also, I've noticed that he had 2 distinct signatures, and this matches up pretty well with the one that he connects his "E" in Payne to his "S" in Stewart, as well as loops the "T" in Stewart over and across the rest of his last name to cross the first "T". I'm not sure, though, as to which version he used when, chronologically speaking. Also, for someone to have done those loops in the signature so fluidly and so quickly so as to not make the autograph bold in those areas, they must've been pretty good at what they were doing. Anyways, all opinions are greatly appreciated, and I thank you for your time!

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Replies to This Discussion

It matches pretty well with this example from the PSA DNA site


Yeah, that was the one I saw when I was researching it in the store prior to buying it. It kinda put me over the top, but I still wanted to see if anyone had opinions one way or the other. Thanks for your reply!

JSA officially authenticated this for me


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