Any opinions on these two Sean Connery signatures? Thanks!
Anyone able to help in authenticating these two exemplars of Mr. Connery's autograph? Still having a hard time getting a handle on the nuances of his authentic signature. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
If those items are from where I think they are from then they have a decent chance of being good.
Further information is needed on the reputation of the seller at this time.
Are these from the UK?
As you know, Connery can be tricky with so many good forgeries out there.
Fairly certain they are listed on the same site. That person has been discussed on this site before. I have tried contacting them for the last week to get further information.
That's what I was thinking Matt
One for sure is the same
The other is the same photo with bond girl not signed though. What concerns me on that one is that the Connery sig looks nearly identical and same placement.
Hopefully you get a response soon
Yes i won't be moving on anything until i hear back from the seller. I have asked about the provenance of the items. Problem is on the site i sent you, they seem to broker for different sellers, whislt they are listed on the same site, it is different sellers offering them.
I will keep you posted.
Thanks, Matt. I hope you get a satisfactory response from the seller. Incidentally, I'm not currently looking to purchase a Connery. I just want to build up my Connery knowledge for future reference. For whatever reason (probably the exceptional skill of the Connery forgers at large in the world today), I have the hardest time with him.
Not a problem Gregory, i agree with you. I am going to let them sit until i get a lot more information from the seller and i am completely confident in them.
I will post to you and goodcat if i hear anything from the seller.
Thanks again.
Thanks, goodcat. Yes, these are both from the same UK seller and they're both listed on eBay at the moment. I looked through the seller's inventory for other autographs I know better than Connery's and the results are a bit of a mixed bag. Although these Connery autographs looked good to me, I'm really struggling to get a feel for his authentic autograph and I am by no means confident in my ability to spot a real one. Anyway, thank you for weighing in on the matter. I really appreciate your opinion!
Im with Goodcat- they both originate from the same original seller. He says that he obtained all these style signatures through the mail some years back and Ive also heard that he obtains them from a charity auction where Sir Sean signed a bunch and donated them... but thats never been established. Im also curious about his current reputation.
The placement on the photograph is actually something I look for with Connery- he's always consistent in that regard. He'll generally find a white part of the image or lighter part to sign and ive never seen him sign over his face. I think that if connery was seated and signing a whole bunch in a row he actually is pretty consistent in how he signs- take the signed books for example.
Although I own a few, I always struggle with this style autograph simply because there are so many of them all seemingly originating from the same original seller and yet there is not enough transparency in how they were obtained. That said, both the above posted ones would be given the ok by psa/dna, jsa and beckett. They regularly authenticate this style.
Final thing to consider- is the Ursula Andress ok? Im not overly familiar with her autograph but it feels slightly off??
Please keep us in the loop when you get some responses.
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