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This is my new 8x10 early Foo Fighters photo.

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Thank you Paul for your reply. Can you give me his coordinates in PM? Gracias

The seller is on facebook.

What's her name ?

Its a man. Its Bjarnes mate.
Are you looking to buy?
One was 10k one was 8.5 k and i forget the other perhaps 7

Thank you, for now I prospect. I am still waiting for an answer for the setlist. But the autographs you just posted interest me .

woow the price is so expensive !!!

I was there when these 3 were signed. So I can attest that they are 100% real!

Thanks Bjarne

Yeah, they are.. I offered Tony 6k for the CAYA and he refused.

Wow, some nice pieces. What is the collector from Sweden asking for each of the 3 pieces?

10k, 8.5 and 7k .


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