Montserrat Caballé Autograph / Autógrafo

Authentic Montserrat Caballé Autograph, one of the most famous Spanish soprano´s, she record a worldwide duet hit, with Freddie Mercury, for the Olympic games in Barcelona. Check the song at this LinK:

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Comment by Innuendo on June 8, 2016 at 4:21am
I've only seen a handful of her autographs (and most I've seen were signed after the Barcelona album with Freddie was released). Any info on the year this was signed? Beautiful photo
Comment by ArteXtrema on June 8, 2016 at 6:03am

Hi Innuendo, Thanks for your question and comment.

Yes its a really beautiful picture and signature.:-)

I will try to answer the best i can. This picture is dated between  the latest 50´s (1958 and 1962), were she debuted at the "Liceo de Barcelona". If you observe carefully her signature you will see that you can find some light fade. So i´m almost sure that this is from the early 60´s, when she started her professional career. That´s why is a treasure,  Yes, you are right,  is common to find  autographs after Freddie´s  duet, but its rare to find an early picture like this. Please check this second autograph, (dated about 1963 and 1965), as you see  she was a little different, so this autograph its really from the beginning of her career.

Hope  have answered your question. And thank you very much  for your interest.


Comment by Innuendo on June 8, 2016 at 7:20am
Another beautiful one, Oscar. Thanks for the info. Treasures, for sure.
Comment by ArteXtrema on June 8, 2016 at 7:26am
Tnak youn Innuendo!
Im happy to share this with you.
And glad to have it in my collection for the exposition of my musical play. One day i hope to find a Freddie's one to complet it. For what I see you may be a Freddie's follower. Nice to meet you, its a pleasure. Oscar
Comment by Innuendo on June 8, 2016 at 7:43am
Yes, I've been collecting and studying Freddie and Queen for about 40 years now. If you'd ever want to start looking for a Freddie, I'd be happy to help.
In all my years of collecting Freddie autographs, I've only ever seen a handful of Barcelona items signed by both Freddie and Motsy together. I believe it was my friend Ferdy (a great Italian queen collector) who has one. Signed for Carlos (who, if I remember correctly- was Motsy's nephew).
Comment by ArteXtrema on June 8, 2016 at 7:54am
Hi Innuendo,
Thank you very much for your kind words. I will contact you as soon as i feel i need your help for a Freddie's. Thats a great spirit from you, and what i think should be Autograph Live.
Thank you again, very gratefull.
Comment by Innuendo on June 8, 2016 at 7:55am
No problem at all. Happy to help. Take care
Comment by ArteXtrema on June 8, 2016 at 8:02am
Oh by the way Innuendo, i forgot to tell you that i had the privilege to greet and meet Montserrat Caballé in person, when i was living in Andorra. On the latest 80's. She did a concert there. I still have pictures from that day. If you wish i can send you a couple of pictures of that day. Best wishes Óscar


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