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I bought this Jimi Hendrix autograph some time ago to an old austrian collector from Graz. I've been told that it was collected in person by him in 1969.

As I'm unemployed I tryed to sell it but, again, it was declined by RR Auction... When I asked the seller, I've received this answer to confirm its provenance:

"Hello Jorge,
I'm really sad hearing that you are unemployed , we've heard from the news that the economic situation in Spain and Portugal is not good, especially for young people.
Concerning the Hendrix, I'm able to guarantee that the signature is authentic. Hendrix gave two shows on one day at the Vienna concert house (in german Wiener Konzerthaus) (january 22nd 1969) - after the second show he was brought to his hotel, Hotel Intercontinental, which isvery near the concert house (both, concert house and Hotel Intercontinental, still exist!, they are near the vienna city park). It was after midnight, Hendrix has been in a little bit stoned (or drunk?) situation but he has been able to sign and the great signing moment has been as he and Noel Redding had to wait for the elevator. In 1969 there has not been such security situation as it is now adays for each third class star. Anyone who says that this Hendrix item is not genuine obviously tries to reduce the price or does not believe that such a rare item is offered.
all the best in life,

I wanted to be sure, so I've send it to Grant Van de Streek, who is someone that has deeply studied J. Hendrix. Here you can read an interesting post, wrote by him, about this issue.


He replied me back with these answers:

First one:

Quoting Grant Vandestreek a href="mailto:gvandestreek2@hotmail.com">gvandestreek2@hotmail.com>:

With the information that you have provided I would believe that it may be GOOD!!!
With the information that you have provided I could not say that it is bad.

There is nothing about your item that I can see that Jimi would not do when writing his signature.

Do you trust the seller? His Story?

Having been written with a marker may have worried RR.  Perhaps RR should reconsider.
I would not decline this piece with what I have been shown.

You may send RR my opinion. Perhaps wait until I've gathered some visual comparisons.

I am still working on this and will send more info with pictures.


Second one:

Quoting Grant Vandestreek a href="mailto:gvandestreek2@hotmail.com">gvandestreek2@hotmail.com>:

What do you think?

I have to believe that it would have required a lot of practice and research for someone to
have created such an authentic signature that avoided Jimi's face. I also know that your image of Jimi
was available and used while he was alive. Image is from "Electric Ladyland" period.

Have you asked Epperson? Did RR give a reason why they declined?

In fact, I didn't give me any special reason. I will try to make them to reconsider it!...



Views: 1614

Tags: Hendrix, Jimi

Comment by BallroomDays67 on November 5, 2012 at 10:55am

I would definitely lean toward this being authentic.

Comment by Carl Ryan on November 5, 2012 at 12:14pm

Van de Streek may know Hendrix well, but i definetly wouldnt get in the practice of asking him for opinions. I am still not convinced he isnt lurking around here under another name, in fact probably very very close.

Comment by MacShade on November 5, 2012 at 12:40pm

I didn't hit the tip! If you mean to me, I'm from Portugal and I can give my address and phone number without any problems ...

Comment by MacShade on November 5, 2012 at 2:51pm

Anyway, fell free to propose me to whom should I ask for opinion. (obviously besides R. Epperson, he works with RR Auctions, doesn't he?...). 

Comment by Darren Ruskin, III on November 20, 2012 at 11:28pm

sometimes auction houses or authenticators will decline things that they feel are authentic, but may show atypical attributes. I believe the Hendrix is good also, but I can see why they would not want to "chance" it. too many questions to answer from buyers. I think the lead-in to the "im" in Jimi and the super straight line in the X is what they probably didn't like. too bad because had it had the typical flourish into "imi" and some more feeling to the X you would probably be a couple grand wiser right now. i know that i have got many autographs from celebs over the years that I wish I could say...Sign it so that not only I believe it is real - sign it so the experts can tell it's real too. ha..DR

Comment by Chad B on November 30, 2012 at 5:44am

I don't like the formation of the H. It has a different structure than the others (assuming those are autherntic).

Comment by Mark Allen Baker on December 2, 2012 at 2:09am

Hendrix information is available in my rock 'n' roll memorabilia guide - includes facts and exemplars. Have fun collecting.


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