Brian Burkel's New Website as of March 5, 2022 is called Collectibles established 1979

Views: 976

Comment by Joe W. on March 5, 2022 at 11:58am

This guy needs to be locked up for a long, long time.

Comment by Tanya Spencer on March 5, 2022 at 1:59pm

Your 100% right Joe W! It must be costing him a whole lot of money to stay out of jail. That's the only conclusion that I have come too about why and how he is still a free man. The only thing I can do on this platform is to inform as many people as possible.

Comment by Dan Morris on March 5, 2022 at 3:08pm

It's good he keeps having to change the name and spend on more advertising etc. Eventually, he is going to be taken down

Comment by bernard howard on March 9, 2022 at 8:49pm


Brian Burkel has legally changed the name of his site to MEMORABLE GIFTS. The legal name is no longer COLLECTIBLES. But he has kept that masthead on his fake autograph site.

Just go to the bottom of this link to his forgery site:

Copyright © Memorable Gifts

Memorable Gifts
Las Vegas, NV 89131

So just click on the google adwords that begin with the word 'MEMORABLE' when you do a search for a recording artist . This will cost the forger at least 50 cents per click. You can also call his 800 number a few times per day . This will also cost him money. If at least 100 people from this site follow my suggestion, this will really hurt the crook in his pocket book. Also, note, there is no return policy on his site and no real guarantees. The thief is also charging $29.00 postage to mail one record.

The crook is now spending thousands of dollars on organic listings. Forger Brian Burkel has very deep pockets . And one can still do a chargeback when using his echecks checkout. So just purchase an item and do a chargeback. That is the way to go.


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