Jason Strecker
  • Male
  • Linthicum Heights, MD
  • United States
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Jason Strecker's Discussions

Richard Nixon cut autograph

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mark Adams Mar 20, 2021. 2 Replies

My father this in a collection of lots of other memorabilia so nothing much lost if fake but hoping it's real for him.…Continue

Jimmy Carter potential secretarial

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jason Strecker Dec 27, 2020. 11 Replies

I can't say I ever saw a post on this site about Jimmy being secretarial. If there's been discussions and I've missed it please disregard or feel free to add to this one.I've seen suggestions over…Continue

Willie Mays and Wayne Gretzky authenticity

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jason Strecker Dec 6, 2020. 2 Replies



Jason Strecker's Page

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Jason Strecker replied to Mark Roberts's discussion STUDY: Jerry Lee Lewis - TTM real or not real
"I had a friend on star archive, who has since sadly passed away, who used to insist a Heston with secretarial signature was signed in person. This was years before the 2011 thread on here and I actually didn't believe the ttms were real. His…"
Apr 11, 2021
Jason Strecker replied to Mark Roberts's discussion STUDY: Jerry Lee Lewis - TTM real or not real
"I don't have any Jerry Lee autographs. For the most part, when I collected I only collected people who I was a fan and I only know TWO Jerry song's so was never interested in getting him. I only know Great Balls, of course though mostly…"
Apr 5, 2021
Jason Strecker replied to Mark Roberts's discussion STUDY: Jerry Lee Lewis - TTM real or not real
"I may have missed something with the 100+ pages but just wondering do you have a "dog in the hunt" ? It seems like you are the lone person trying to prove anything and everything received ttm may be authentic as if you did some ttms with…"
Apr 4, 2021
Jason Strecker replied to Mark Roberts's discussion STUDY: Jerry Lee Lewis - TTM real or not real
"Thanks for posting the website. I'm rushing between two jobs but enjoy this thread so didn't think to look. The ink pen one looks like his writing while the blue sharpie one is obviously her autograph."
Apr 3, 2021
Jason Strecker replied to Mark Roberts's discussion STUDY: Jerry Lee Lewis - TTM real or not real
"I see from a google article about a lawsuit with Jerry Lee and his family that Judith was hired as his caregiver in 2010. I can't remember the exact time period I saw a few ttms come back with autos similar to Terrier's 3 authentic ones…"
Apr 3, 2021
Jason Strecker replied to Mark Roberts's discussion STUDY: Jerry Lee Lewis - TTM real or not real
"Those look amazing and authentic!"
Apr 3, 2021
Jason Strecker replied to Mark Roberts's discussion STUDY: Jerry Lee Lewis - TTM real or not real
"A few newer era singers said the same thing when websites were doing signed CD booklets which turned out to be autopen. Was Jerry personally interviewed for the journal or was the quote something that was told to the journal by a publicist or by…"
Mar 31, 2021
Jason Strecker replied to Mark Roberts's discussion STUDY: Jerry Lee Lewis - TTM real or not real
"With him being elderly and possibly ill he may not have knowledge. If he does know mail is coming in he could just think that Judith is stamping items as have been done in the past. Nothing surprises me with family members of older and ill…"
Mar 30, 2021
Jason Strecker replied to Mark Roberts's discussion STUDY: Jerry Lee Lewis - TTM real or not real
"I also think it's possibly Jerry Lee has no knowledge of the whole signature process. Maybe he is just enjoying his life and I am happy for him if that's true but it's definitely a con on the fans by Judith, IMO. On a smaller scale…"
Mar 29, 2021
Jason Strecker replied to Mark Roberts's discussion STUDY: Jerry Lee Lewis - TTM real or not real
"I wouldn't trust anything coming from ttm even if paying thousands of dollars. I think it's all Judith doing the signing."
Mar 29, 2021
Jason Strecker replied to Jason K. Majid's discussion Identification help, please!
"1-Gene Barry 2-Joey Bishop 12-Robert Wagner These are some classic autographs you have here!"
Mar 28, 2021
Mark Adams replied to Jason Strecker's discussion Richard Nixon cut autograph
"In my opinion it's genuine. Not one of his best. Post presidential. "
Mar 20, 2021
JK replied to Jason Strecker's discussion Richard Nixon cut autograph
"I'm not loving it but that is not a final word. We'll see what others say. "
Mar 20, 2021
Jason Strecker posted a discussion

Richard Nixon cut autograph

My father this in a collection of lots of other memorabilia so nothing much lost if fake but hoping it's real for him.See More
Mar 20, 2021
Jason Strecker commented on Josh Board's blog post Mr. Rogers Autographs
"That is incredible. He was quite the guy. When many of our heroes have been found out to be much less that what we thought they were, Mr. Rogers keeps coming out on top. I was always a fan of Mr. Rogers even though I may not have seen too many…"
Feb 2, 2021
Jason Strecker replied to Authenticsigs76's discussion Is this Bryan Cranston real or fake, it came replied mail.about 3 years ago?
"I doubt that was a ttm. Bryan was great ttm for many years pre Breaking Bad. And he also personalized ttm."
Feb 2, 2021

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Sports, History/Politics, Books/Literature, Modern Hollywood and Stage, Classic Hollywood and Stage, Music, SciFi, Horror, Space/Aviation/Military
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Preserve history of celebrities
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
Ed Asner personal letters
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
Marlon Brando

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At 4:39pm on January 8, 2019, Mark Wrubel said…

I have the list of the autographed balls I have but I cannot send them to you because you have to approve me as a friend first.

At 2:12pm on July 5, 2015, Scott Paul said…

Thank you for joining the Andy Griffith Show Collectors Group glad to have you.


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