A Simple Solution for Celebs Tired of Being Hounded for Autographs on the Street

CELEBRITIES:  There are two facts that are not going away any time soon.  Fans who want your autograph to keep, and "fans" that want your autograph to sell.

Spare me please while I get you a tissue for all your sob/sob stories of how you are tired of being chased, pursued, hounded, bothered, threatened, harassed, embarrassed, from all those folks that ask you for your signature whenever you stick your nose out your front door for anything from going for coffee or a meal  to letting your dog out for a tinkle.

You can more than afford business cards that when you are asked, you simply hand to the requester.  On such a card is a link to a/your website.  On your website you explain WHATEVER your ground rules are for signing autographs. Perhaps you sign in the mail, perhaps you sign during limited months only and/or maybe you do not want to sign at all. Perhaps you only want to sign at book stores or conventions. 

Whatever your specifications are, such a posting will seriously cut down and all but reduce whatever it is that causes you or your family to get so upset on the streets.  Now people will have a simple understanding of where they stand with you, and how they must request your signature, all on your terms. It is a win/win for all parties.  Further, it cuts down on the bogus garbage being sold on eBay because if you choose to sign through the mail, or at conventions, etc…, fans now know where/how/when they can obtain your REAL signature.

So please, quit you’re crabbing, quit with all the "TMZ"-style encounters, quit making life difficult for yourself, your family, and those that request, and embrace the technology in which we live in and use it to you and your family’s advantage.

(heck, you can even charge a small fee and donate the $$ to a worthy charity), that would be a win/win/win!

Views: 282

Tags: TMZ, charity, ebay, internet, mail, signatures, tissue

Comment by Josh Board on May 9, 2011 at 12:22am
I think a better thing is for them to "pick a charity". Any autograph request, say "It's $10, and it's for the cancer foundation." It's so win/win. And some "fans" will say "Oh man, I don't have my wallet on me." And then he can say "I have to say no. So many ebay people, too...it's just easier this way. I'm sorry."
Comment by Robert Babb on May 10, 2011 at 3:56pm
That is like mary tyler moore only sends out autopenned autos but i have heard if you send her a donation to her charity she is an awsome signer ttm. Tara Reid is the same way as well! If only more celebs would be this way!
Comment by Pablo Abilez on May 31, 2011 at 10:03pm
I think most celebrities should suck it up and sign for fans whenever possible.  Alot of them, however, are so rich, that they just can't be bothered by fans.  Fans should, whenever possible, be able to ask for an autograph when the celebrity is walking, standing and doing nothing, at the store or mall, and at a fan convention or event.  Just don't ask for an autograph while the celebrity in the restroom, working, during the game, in the hospital healing from an injury, mourning a loved one, in church, or eating.  Everywhere else is fair game.  And if you're a celebrity who doesn't like to sign autographs, politely decline any requests for autographs.  Don't be a jerk if you are a fan or celebrity!  Celebrities need to understand that the fans pay alot of money to go watch their movies and/or tv shows, or watch them play sports.  And fans, try not to be too disappointed  or angry if your hero says no to signing an autograph: It happens to alot of people!


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