How about an ongoing thread to highlight the new additions to your collection?

Whether it's a through-the-mail freebie or a big buck acquisition... it's all good. Show us what you got!

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Nirvana signed 12” Vinyl “Smells Like Teen Spirit” Picture Disc. 

This was signed around November 1991 during Nirvana German leg of Nevermind tour.

Simply amazing item my friend! Love the inscription by Cobain!

Thanks Cogo!!! One of my favorite in my collection. 

George Harrison & Ringo Starr Signed Romanian Angel Appeal Tee. Circa 1990

hi j., wouldn't you have a signed nirvana by all 3 at a decent price? let me know thanks

 Billie Eilish Signed 8.5”x 11” Poster

Cool piece! 

Forgot to post about this when I received it last year, but like many others in the forum, I finally found my "white whale". I'm a huge Pierre Trudeau collector -- always had an affinity for the man, have had an opportunity to meet several members of his family -- and I had a couple of prized Trudeau books that I was able to get for a significant discount that are among the hallmarks of my collection, but I was still hoping I would find a signed copy of his "Memoirs" book from 1994.

After looking for years with no luck (you wouldn't believe how many copies I opened), I finally had the chance to get a copy at a steep discount last year. I was lucky I swooped in when I did -- someone else made an offer right after me, but the seller trusted me enough to give me first crack at it. (He also had a signed book by our current Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, up here, but I had two of them already and didn't want to be greedy, even though it was a stupidly-low for the book.)

In the end, I paid about 1/4 of what a signed Trudeau Memoirs book usually costs, and I got a very nice signed copy with an LOA from the previous owner. Turns out this was a book P.E.T. had signed for a limo driver who was taking him around Ottawa on a publicity tour. This now holds pride of place on the closest bookshelf to my desk.

Speaking about "never actually being done collecting," there are still a couple of signed Trudeau books I hope to find, but I've converted my primary focus over the last year to attempting a complete signed collection of Margaret Atwood's works (about 85 in total -- I currently have one-third of them signed). Depending on how that shakes out, I may do a feature blog post down the line comparing the different "eras" of her signature and some of the rare titles associated with her.

Very nice autograph with inscription.

Majority of my collection are signed books so I really appreciate your posting this. Congratulations on your great find.

Thank you -- I've always found Trudeau books (both that of P.E.T. and his family) to be very interesting to collect signatures for. For a time from the 70s and 80s, there was an entire cottage industry based around nothing but Trudeau books, though P.E.T. himself only directly wrote (or co-wrote) four books in the 90's: Towards a Just Society, Memoirs, Against the Current, The Canadian Way and The Essential Trudeau. Of those, I have two signed by him, as well as two pieces of ephemera and several books signed by Margaret and Justin Trudeau.

I had initially thought about trying for a "complete" Trudeau collection, and it's still percolating in the back of my mind, but there's so much work associated with him (like Margaret Atwood, another writer whose signed works I'm collecting) that it will likely be years before I can get anywhere close to a complete collection of his direct works.

Like Atwood, I might do a deep-dive Trudeau signature post at some point down the line if I pick up another couple pieces.

Just picked up this signed 1977 tour program from Queen. Got it from the original owner that obtained the autographs in 1977.

Very Nice Bjarne !!!!!


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