I'm trying to talk a friend off a potentially expensive ledge regarding this Henry Ford cut that they are considering.  This looks a bit overcooked to me and I told my friend so.  No context for the signature at this point since a "custom card" has been made with it. 

Perhaps I'm off .... and PSA got this right?

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Here's one for comparison that PADA member History In Ink had:

Oh I would give it a miss imho.  It may be the effect of the italic pen but I dont like it at all.  It also loooks far too slowly written as well, and doesnt  flow imo

I am in total agreement, michelle.  Thanks!

Whatever it's nature, these "custom" cuts should be valued as such. I note that several I have seen created have failed to sell. But in any event, as loose cuts with no context, and as often modern creations, I am very wary. The authentic signed photo, not some recent union, will only become more desirable, as will uncut TLS etc. Is it reasonable to expect the average collector to know that "Cut" means this and "Photograph" means signed photograph? Is it reasonable to expect the average coin collector to know the slabbed MS-64 Walker he just bought may very well be dipped and not at all original? I suppose it is good to streamline sales, but this is getting slippery.

In this case, the "custom cut" design also serves as an advertisement for the dealership that designed it and is selling it.  Here's the verso of this Ford creation:

Good grief. :-( Two adverts.

I guess I'm a bit curious if the "cut" has been permanently adhered to the card which has the advertisements on the back.  I assume it is. 

The asking price, btw, is $2250.  

that is ottt imo

I think PSA/DNA is right, Eddy. The one in the OP looks genuine to me. The thickness of the vertical stroke of F is not common but you see it from time to time, as you also may in the Y, and other letters.

Thanks for looking, Steve.  I appreciate your thoughts.

Another online third party examination gave the OP Ford a 'no' based on these provided scans.  One more opinion to add to the mix. 

My buddy is looking elsewhere for a Ford signature with some kind of clear context.  I personally think that's the wisest course (whenever possible) regarding historical autographs.  

RR has sold a lot of Fords. Have you checked their sold database?


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