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Does this look to be legitimate? 

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which ones?

I am sorry for not being specific. The photo just signed "george" and the flyer. I'd put money on it that Frank or tracks would agree. You know how I feel about the flyer, but the one just signed "George" is ridicules. For one thing the signer stopped and started again between the "r" and "g" but over all it is not even close.

N. Steiger,

You keep saying you've been collecting in-person for 25 years, but you sound like someone much younger, so I checked things out. Based on the email you used when you registered and your IP address, you're not even 30 years old (don't worry, I'll keep your identity private). 

How could you have been collecting for 25 years?

Steve, how dare you question the great Steiger?

He knows all, just ask him. 


Please tell people I am not 30 yet either.

Stieger. Your Moulder from the X files.

I am 34, and turn 35 in April, but thanks! I wish I was 30. And if you are wondering that is not my email address. I wanted to remain 100% anonymous for a reason Steve, this is my right isn't it?

N. Steiger,

You are actually using someone's else's email address to access this site? Are you kidding me? What about their anonymity?

You have told at least two people in this discussion alone to send their pieces to Tracks for authentication, and if Tracks said they were genuine, you'd pay the fee. How can you do that and be anonymous?

Why are you scared to use your real name?

Members are welcome to have strong opinions, like N. Steiger has. But N.S. is calling a lot of things out in several discussions, claiming expertise that comes from 25 years of experience as an in-person collector, so this is something that needs to be addressed.

oh boy, here we go. If you guys don't want my help I don't need to waste hours rooting out fakes for you guys. I really don't need to do this. But if you are getting mad because I am calling out your friend Roger for authenticating bad stuff that is what needs to be addressed. No authenticator should be protected and that is what I feel is happening here. And I like Roger, I even use him myself over PSA/DNA but like all the authenticators I am not afraid to call them out. If you are going to take money for a service and put yourself out there you are going to have to stand up to scrutiny aren't you? This goes for anyone. But Steve, you never seem to question Roger.... you always back him up even when he is clearly wrong. And this thread isn't necessarily what I am talking about, this happens with anything concerning Roger. And this is the main problem with this site, if someones says he made a mistake, you get attacked and ganged up on and posts get clogged up with useless reply's. To me, and this might be just me, if you don't know if something is good or bad for sure you should not be commenting. And it is frankly insulting that I seem to be one of the few people on here that actually puts together tangible detailed analysis's of autographs, ink patterns, forgery patters etc.... and yet, people get pissed off at me when ever Roger Epperson's LOA's are involved. No one does with PSA or JSA, only Roger. I know he's a friend of the site, and you all are lucky to have him but he is human, he makes mistakes like they all do I don't deserve this treatment. This Harrison thing is ridicules. You guys are telling me get over it and leave it alone but how can I, I try to let my analysis stand but you guys keep spamming my replies with insults and rude comments, I think you guys should leave it alone honestly. I am the ONLY person to provide anything to back up my claims on this thread, the rest is just talk and even though I appreciate Thorston's image collection, it is really not helpful because none of them explain why he stopped and started again on that "i". Not one. They do show other anomalies can exist however so that is good I guess so I appreciate the time he spent on that, at least he provided something tangible which I respect so thank you Thorston.

Paul, I am sorry for all this, you are a good dude and you never in all your replies said anything rude to me and that is class. I stand by my opinion.

I do not have always the same opinion as Roger, I also have seen several PSA/DNA certificates where I don`t like their opinion. I checkand collect autographs myself for over 20 years and my word is respected in Germany for sellers and collectors and from time to time I issue COAs for them myself. I can check an autograph myself and only if I am totally unsure myself I try to reach Frank or Tracks myself or through friends who have a better connection to them.  I only do Beatles and not dozens of other famous people where I do believe that this is not possible for no body.

Yes - we are all human.

My main problem in this discussion is:

Your analysis` are great in parts. But not every signer has ALWAYS the same specifics in EVERY autograph. Try yourself. Do you write the same always? I don`t.

The overall look of the autograph says a lot - even one letter looks odd or some one has stopped for a reason we dont know as we weren`t present at the time of the signing.

The item itself is very important for the analysis so is the fact if the signer signs sitting, running or standing.

I got a McCartney in person where he signed around 40 in a row. I was around No 25 and a friend was No 26. We got our autograph on the same item but both ours look different. To be honest - if i saw my Paul autograph as an authenticator I might say "fake" as it looks different to others from the same year or even minute.

Same goes for the Harrisons in discussion. I can tell you that my flyer was checked by the best in business. And many of my examples to bolster up my claim came from the best in business. There is not doubt if you look closely to what I have shown in the examples and if you are aware how big the autograph is.

That`s why I have shown all the samples and even the worst ones - that came from the best sources as Tracks and are authentic - believe it or not.

Pauls Cloud Nine looks different in parts - but I have shown my Cloud Nine collection - and i have some more i think - and there is no one identical to each other.

The G in George is different, the r in George and even the combination of the g and H - but the overall look is clearly George on all Cloud Nines.

I appriciate your analysis but not every autograph could be checked as you do - that`s what i want to show with all my examples.



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