I hate not being an expert. Thanks for all your help. I too believe it might be too good to be true. I’ll see what others think and make a decision then. Thing is as well is it’s from America and I live in Britain and it still costs that cheap which is quite crazy.
I was just looking through his other items and he has an autograph from just Bryan Cranston and it is on for £62 which doesn’t make really any sense, but I find it quite funny.
Me too! Kieran, we are ALL on a learning curve, and we should hope to always be so. Even if you could "learn it all" - time brings changes and new information comes out. Like the case of Charlton Heston. Only after several years did it become known that his the the mail autographs were secretarials. Just like Jackie Gleason - almost all secretarial, but years ago they were believed authentic by all. I also look forward to hearing from others about these graphs...