Oh alright. Usa is different. Different states , different rules. Same as cities. Some agencies will help you , some wont.
Seeing that I might have done more harm than good, I am never posting on here again. I would like Steve to deactivate my account. Particularly with one person seeming to have it out for me. I have enjoyed the people on here and admit I am human and not perfect.
No one has it out for you . But when you call someone out . There is damage in the words you write on a computer. There are people out there working there butt off trying to collect these stars. Some of them aren't cool . Some are . I know it is debate as to the whole fan vs. dealer thing. But people make a living off this autograph business whether anyone likes it or not . You have called out four people who are legit , as to what I paid attention to . Three of who I know personally . One I told , and he said , oh well, I don't care what some board says , my autographs are legit .
As for the Inkster sports comment on the Tom Petty , maybe Wascher can edit it and also clean it up from google like the Katy Perry . Rex travels around the whole country busting his balls to get these graphs , as well as paying to authenticate it . Its just not fair for someone to make those claims .
Your friends who have the negative comments (posted by Al Martin) showing up through google search results, might have to take this route, if trying to get it removed sooner. It may be a pain in the butt for them, because it has to meet the listed criteria for any process of removal, which a majority of it is at google's discretion.
I don't think simply changing the listed information on the thread, deletes the damaging comments off google search results, at least not any time soon.
Using this as an example:
This previous Autograph Magazine thread posted by Al Martin, was revised a month ago.
but it will still shows through google search results, under the original listed thread
When viewers click on the link through google to read the information listed, the page pops up with "Our apologies – this page was not found".
but the disadvantage of that, if viewers are not brought to the original (linked) thread and if they don't search for it further through Autograph Magazine's community online forum, it may lead any viewer to believe what was stated.
On this thread, nothing was ever change/revised:
Viewed through google search results
. . . of course it has the correct link to view any part of the discussion
Yes it does take some time for Google to wipe it out or rewrite the link. It unfortunately does not happen over night.
This is one of the reasons people need to be 100% before saying things that are negative about a seller. Not only does it hurt the seller - but the forum here as well.
I have gone in and changed the title of the VipAutographsLLC thread.... it will change how it shows up in Google (not right away but eventually).
If there are more threads like this please let me know so I can adjust them.
That's why I usually save my profanity like tirades for sellers of fake Mickey Mantle's...they are easy to spot from a mile away and I stand behind ALL my comments made about these sellers coming on here after they have been exposed and threatening lawsuits. LOLOLOL. It is very funny. I would fly to Guam to defend myself from one of these jerkoffs selling obvious fakes
I wouldnt give up here but lesson learned you have to be careful what you say. If no doubt 100 percent fake call them to the carpet. If unsure, word things differently "what do you think of this seller". Avoid calling people crooks and other things. You have been mostly right with your posts, you and a few others just need to calm down a little bit and dont try to be too aggresive, it wont do you much good anyway. Keep fighting the forgers for the innocents sake.
A shame you're leaving Al, you had some good calls and showed up quite a few fakes. Perhaps you should stay and just edit the titles in future on articles to What do you think of seller x instead until it's certain they are fakes?
Obviously always very sad when the good guys get wrongly accused and things go wrong but it's about learning from mistakes, admitting it and making amends then trying not to repeat again.
OK so what im gonna do is stop selling on ebay for the time being. Im gonna get all the autographs professional COA's, ones that don't come back 100% will be destroyed. I'm not a bad guy here. I am not knowingly selling 'fakes' as far as i am concerned everything is authentic. Please work with me through this process, i'm trying to start a reputable ebay store here!
So why did you pretend that you werent the seller. Once a liar, always a liar. And im betting the only reason you are trying to play nice is b/c you are afraid of Dan.
This is just a ridiculous reply in and of itself. We all hope you do stop selling these horrid fakes, but you started from the get go lying your tail off. Claiming you purchased several items from this seller and they all passed major COA Distributors. When the truth was, you probably dont even realize who the major COA distributors are, and thus didnt list them. You claimed you bought numerous items from this seller and that his items were authentic, and that the seller was "on to something big".
Then you were exposed for the obvious, and Dan, who is coming down hard on the forgers and sellers of forgeries in NZ tells you what is coming for you.
And now its pretty obvious. You are scared that something may happen to you for selling these forgeries and that Dan is going to take the fight to you. You obviously are not an honest seller, so why should anyone believe anything you are spouting. You started by lying to everyone claiming that you not only werent the seller, but that you purchased items from him, and they passed the major TPAs. lying about purchasing from oneself? lol.
Yes you are the bad guy here. You lied from the get go, and some of these forgeries are so bad, that you have to be blind to realize they arent fake. Its your responsiblity to make sure your items are authentic, and it would have taken about 5 minutes on any search engine, to find out that many of your graphs were horrid forgeries. That Eminem forgery is unbelievably bad.
Yes, Jack, you are the bad guy. You were/are selling bad forgeries, then lied about it, to try and give yourself credibility. And now you are scared that what you did may be criminal, and you are trying to play nice. But no one here is going to buy that.
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